Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by Wormerine
What's the point of EA and working in the game further? It doesn't matter if the ruleset works, it is MEANT to be broken!
Answering for Tandi while speaking for myself ...
I dont think his point was to "dont fix anything bcs things are supposed to be broken" ...

Its more like "lets concider how split the comunity is about things" ... i mean you listed it yourself, there was allready several things Larian changed ... why?
Bcs there was almost nobody defending them, the community agrees (as far as possible) on this opinion!

Or at least i really dont remember anyone beging for keeping free Advantage from High Ground, ground effects from cantrips, jump/disengage in single button, etc.
Free to corect me ... but as far as i remember even i (and i disagree with lots of things around here) was supporting all of theese. laugh
Well, I don't see many people defending stealth either - more like attempting to shame people for bringing up the issue up instead of restricting themselves. I remember there there being deflective responses similar to what can find in this thread: "but you can just not use iot, if you don't like it". When it comes to stealth, you were one exception, that I can think of, listing a beneficial effect current implementation had for your playstyle earlier in this thread. For that I thank you.

Originally Posted by Niara
Immersion breaking situation 1: The rest of my party stands by in idle animations watching on while the AI plays rapidly to gank my scout, potentiality even standing by while the game kills that character, if the AI rolled their initiative well enough.
Yeah, that happened to me handful of times. Not an issue I run into too often, but then again, I don't utilise stealth that often due to reasons listed earlier in the thread. Esencially, if only part of your party engages in combat and they don't get to lock the progression of turn-based combat things can get out of hand rapidly. And unfortunately, it is not a game that supports deft real-time reactions.

Last edited by Wormerine; 20/09/22 05:58 PM.