Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by Niara
all of my controls and the UI itself is completely LOCKED OUT until my scout's turn comes around.
This sounds like a bug ... bcs when my scout initiated combat, litteraly nothing was preventing me from switching to another party member and control them.
So ... nope, certainly not "completely LOCKED OUT". :-/

Ah, so, when combat engages, and the camera jumps out of my immediate control, shifts its UI plane, and then while it is still in the process of doing so begins to move rapidly around every two to three seconds showing me different things that are occurring in a clearly turn-based system, while my character UI, being still on the scout I was on, is dimmed and unresponsive, and the rapid shifting of the camera focus is obfuscating of my cursor position... I actual DO have control... is what you're saying... And somehow it's NOT a failing of the system that all evidence points towards the contrary... And... in order to use the system 'correctly', and have the combat occur in a way that matches the intent of the game system (i.e. characters engaged in turn based combat), what I have to do, is to step back, actively wrest control of the camera Away from what the game is showing me, fight with the UI to move the camera elsewhere and select my other party members, which I have no fast and easy way of doing with any precision, and then move them into the combat or otherwise get them engaged... and I must do this in a real-time Rush, focusing on what I'm trying to do, and not what the game is doing At The Same time, while it is busy taking monster turns and actively doing other things, which, without my interference, it would be trying to show me properly right now.

Well, thank you for at least proving my freaking point to the fullest extent any one example could hope.

And you are defending that absolute disaster garbage fire trainwreck of a system? No, stow that; it's freaking indefensible... nobody defending this is doing so in good faith, they're just being pedantic, contrary for the sake of it, or sycophantic, and trying to talk constructively with such people is an absolute waste of time and energy.

Originally Posted by Niara
=> The characters that would have reacted can't
Im sory, but i feel lost ...
How would they react? O_o

I mean they are far, arent they?

No. Read the post you're responding to then correct your mistake.

The party is less than a dash away, as I said, and are waiting, listening, focused on what's happening, and the moment they hear something go wrong, they are going to react; they are not surprised, they're literally focused on this event. What they might do doesn't matter - the fact is they would act. Maybe the wizard would cast dimension door, maybe the druid would wildshape; maybe the cleric would bless the others as they start to move, maybe the sorceress would cast storm sphere in the middle of the camp, maybe the ranger would start shooting as fast as possible, maybe the party would attempt to engage closer targets, or cause a distraction nearer to them, to save the scout by drawing attention - who know what they might try; they might try anything. They can, would and should be able to react in a timely manner; they can't, because of different elements of the system fighting against itself and undermining itself, while the player is forced to actively fight what their UI is trying to do in order to do something else. Right now, any one action the other party members take will functionally take long enough that it doesn't matter, the entire enemy turn up to the scout will get their goes before anything can be affected, because they aren't initiative while trying to act.

I dont even get how is that immersion breaking ... your scout get ahead, he was ambushed while alone and defeated bcs he had no chance alone.

Seems pretty immersive to me. O_o

That is not the situation I described. Read the post you're responding to then correct your mistake.

Your party either is close enough to get there in single turn ...
Or they are futher away and all you get is to get there in single "turn" instead all turns it would take.

I mean yeah, you *can* stealth there ... and then you are right, you indeed need to deal with "their ridiculous frozen/not-frozen time thing" ...
But you really want to claim you get into that situation accidentaly?
That there was absolutele NO INTENTION entering stealth with other characters?
Come on. -_-

There are ways for you to get (at least close to, if not exactly) what you want ...
You just refuse to use them. :-/

I don't know how far I have to water this ridiculous farce of a conversation down for you to understand it, but I'll try....

I'm playing a video game! Yay!
My party want to scout an enemy position! Oooh!
We don't want to get seen! Yikes!
We all hide! Shhh!
The Scout tries to creep forward a bit and gather intel! Sneaky!
The others wait back, out of sight, but not so far that they can't jump in to help if things go wrong! Cautious!
The Scout gets part way in but gets seen! Oh No!

No-one is trying to cheat or abuse a mechanic here, this is normal, reasonable play from someone attempting to play a video game like a regular person, immersed in the space that they're playing in.
This is normal play! This is something you would reasonably expect players simply enjoying your game at face value to do!

- The system now jumps into initiative.
- It shifts it UI plane to bring in the combat elements.
- The primary UI element of the character you were controlling is dimmed out and locked.
- The camera begins jumping around, focusing on the creatures whose turn it is, and what they are doing
- This coupled with the above point is indicative of a turn-based game system, where you are not meant to be inputting actions on other creature's turns and while the game is showing you what's going on!
- The game UI camera is actively zipping away from your character to show you other things - things which, because it is taking time and action to show you, it is reasonable to assume that you should be paying attention to!
- The rest of the party have not been rolled in! They will NEVER get a turn if this continues!
- If the scout rolled poorly, or the enemies rolled well, he might die before his turn comes around!
- If he gets knocked out or incapacitated in any way, the game will skip over his turn entirely, and the flow will not stop or pause, or invite me to interact with it at all - the enemies will just go again without delay.
- In a normal circumstance, the rest of the party, who was waiting for the scout and poised to jump in if things went badly, would jump in, because things have clearly gone badly!
- WHAT they might do literally does not matter in any way for this conversation, and brining that up as a question is a pedantic waste of time that only seeks to dissemble from the issue and obfuscate it, so stow that.

- If I want my other party members to be involved, and to do something to save my scout, I now have to break out of my immersed game space, and I have to actively wrestle with the game's conflicting systems and conflicting UI directly.

- The game is trying to move the camera around to show me important things - I have to interrupt it and pull the camera away from the information it's trying to convey. I at very least have to do this enough to stop it jumping about, so that I can see my cursor properly.
- The game is taking turns in rapid succession, in a turn-based system, but I have to pull it away from that, and interact with characters that are not in the initiative and are in an out-of-time state instead, and I have to engaged them in the combat, which involves directly confronting the juxtaposition of their out-of-time state, with the turn-base time state of the monsters and the scout.
- I can't avoid having to deal with this; I'm forced to reconcile the two directly, and the game does not smoothly do this for me or cover over the system break.

The UI is fighting against elements of the system, the system elements are fighting against each other, both the system and the UI are fighting against the player, and the entire relationship here is utterly antagonistic.

It literally doesn't freaking MATTER if you can make it work by taking on extra tasks yourself and bending over backwards to ensure that you juggle all the little things that the game trips over itself failing to do properly (and even then, you can't, not to the degree that it should reasonably be expected to work). It doesn't freaking matter at all. The system is still a broken failure of an implementation, and it is NOT acceptable in its present form.

This entire conversation has become a farce, and I'm done with it. Folks are encouraged to submit their complaints to Larian directly; trying to talk to the apologist crowd is a waste of effort when they are determined to be dismissive of feedback in this feedback forum, and want to blame the majority of the systemic failures of the game and its design choices on the players for 'not playing it right'.

Last edited by Niara; 21/09/22 04:17 AM.