Originally Posted by Niara
I'm playing a video game! Yay!
My party want to scout an enemy position! Oooh!
We don't want to get seen! Yikes!
We all hide! Shhh!
The Scout tries to creep forward a bit and gather intel! Sneaky!
The others wait back, out of sight, but not so far that they can't jump in to help if things go wrong! Cautious!
The Scout gets part way in but gets seen! Oh No!

I don't have any intention of getting re-involved with the "how valid is the forum sample" discussion, but I wanted to correct something I said earlier. I had estimated that the responses were roughly 50-50 for liking vs disliking cheese, because going by # of responses ITT it looks that way at first glance. But actually, when counting up unique usernames:
- 15 unique posters are against the severity and/or quantity of exploits in BG3 (at least, this specific stealth+initiative exploit, but often more)
- 4 posters are specifically in favor of exploits--at least this specific stealth+initiative one--remaining in the game (e.g., "don't take away playstyles from others/I want the freedom to use these strategies")
- 4 posters are ambivalent (e.g., "I don't use it and no one has to, but it'd probably be fine if implemented differently").
- a final ~2 posters flip-flop, are discussing different topics, and/or have lengthy conversations over multiple pages which makes it difficult to ascertain their exact stance on exploits.
Just a (hopefully) useful and corrected data point for any lurking Larian community managers. Make of it what you will. ^_^