Originally Posted by Tandi
You're right, as mentioned above, I had to steal all stuff in town to sell so I could buy equipment to progress using these "features" on higher difficulties in their previous games.
Whenever I didn't use an optimized party comp or lacked equipment I did the cheese as mentioned in the OP.
They might very well push you to go this route(if they add higher difficulties) because fights could be unfair otherwise.
Personally I don't care, it can force you to be creative with the many tools at your disposal but I can see why people wouldn't like this.
True. I feel like most people like it when a game forces them to be creative with tools that the game system (dnd) provides (spells, items, calss/race abilities etc.) and don't like it when a "dnd" game forces them to be creative with abusing the bizarre engine itself. Next step would be to literally code exploits.