Originally Posted by JandK
The people who regularly hang around here aren't representative of the casual BG3 player.

As opposed to the more casual player who just enjoys…

My guess is the casual player…

Yeah, exactly – your ‘guess’ is the casual player fits a certain definition that you’ve subjectively assigned to them. How many casual players have you interviewed? My ‘guess’ would be zero based on what I’m reading. You cannot claim to speak for people you don’t know, especially based on this rather bizarre logic that the majority enjoy games with loose, easily broken systems.

I’ve never heard anyone, anywhere, request anything like that in my entire life. Links to those that have (outside of the R-guy who’s suspiciously defending exploits as though this were an attack on his very being)?

Maybe go on BG3 Steam and breathe in the contempt for a while – it might change your view on the ‘casuals’, because there’s certainly no love for the design exploits going on there. And BG3 Steam is overflowing with randomers.

Originally Posted by JandK
We are way more obsessed with this stuff than most people.

You might want to stop speaking for everyone and anyone – it’s the most socially blinkered quirk I’ve come across. Whatever about the other glib claims to psychically know the mind-set of ‘casuals’, as you condescendingly label them, you cannot possibly know, either, who is ‘obsessed’ with the game unless you see stats. As in, hours played. This in not available here. Merely posting with any regularity in no way implies the player is ‘hardcore’, eats, sleeps, drinks the game.

I can’t claim to speak for everyone either, but my stance is that if I try to think outside the box in a game, and the game can’t respond in an intelligent way to it, then the game is broken – or ‘thrash’, as they call it elsewhere in forum-world.

Again, I can only assert that I know of no one who says ‘All right yeah, can’t wait for some broken mechanics lads – bring them on!’

There’s a thing called a console that can accept cheat commands to open up these ‘exploits’ for those who enjoy them – the two-or-so people here, that is, who are the only other people I’ve ever read, anywhere, who enjoy broken or exploitable systems. And that is a fact – I simply have not encountered anyone here, on reddit or Steam who's this pro-exploit.

Sven saying he’s all for them is not evidence that they’re part of the plan – Sven is the CEO of the company: if you really think CEOs don’t put positive spin on negative aspects of their products, you need to listen to more CEOs. Believe or not, their main goal is keeping the business alive and making the product look good. Addressing the exploits costs money/time – so it’s wiser to make them look intended rather than admit they’re in the pipeline for fixes they don’t have the time to implement.