Originally Posted by konmehn
I’ve never heard anyone, anywhere,...
This is horrible way to approach any statistic results ...

You should keep i mind (but i know its hard to accept) that humans tend to suround themselves with people they have something in common with ...
Its perfectly fine to talk with person with different religion, if you agree on politic stuff (or vice versa, or something entirely different) its perfectly fine to talk with person who have different politic ideas, as long as you can talk about sports, since you both like the same team ... etc. etc.

BUT (and this is the important part)
Once you and some random non-specified person have nothing in common, you will not stick together. Thats just how our mind works, there is nothing bad in that. smile

Once you grasp this idea, its not so hard to expand it futher ...
Why i never meet anyone who voted for the other president than i did?
Why i never meet anyone who thinks this horrible noise is actualy beautifull music?
Why i never meet anyone who would like that stupid sport (team)?
Why i never meet anyone who would like such ingame features?

The answer is often (almost allways) the same ... those people simply arent part of your social bubble, it doesnt mean they dont exist. wink

Originally Posted by konmehn
(outside of the R-guy who’s suspiciously defending exploits as though this were an attack on his very being)
Aww thats cute. laugh

That R-guy simply defends his fun ...
Isnt that litteraly the same as everyone else do here? :P

Funny that nobody else was marked as taking it on attack on their being ... wonder why.
OH wait! I know why ... bcs its gibberish. smile


Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
I was mainly arguing against JandK's claim that these are features rather than mistakes, since my understanding of an 'exploit' in a video game context is that they're inherently mistakes of some description.
I see ...
Fun thing, you both are right. laugh

I mean exploits usualy start like oversight, or misstake ... but once they are left there on purpose, they indeed become feature. laugh

Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
Fun fact, I've only encountered the druid statues in one playthrough. I did not understand what was going on at all and Gale died and it was a whole mess and I just ran away. I don't think I even fully understood it was meant to be a sneak puzzle.
I believe Larian improoved this ...
Now when you enter the tunnel and come few steppes inside, your party gets really low Perception check (i dont think i ever failed) and warn you about those statues.

You can still miss it, true ... but RP-wise, it seems lot better to me now. smile

Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
Underdark ...
I couldn't figure out how to get the door open and it didn't make sense RP-wise
This was also improved ...
There is now way to get out of that post even in case you dont deactivate that statue. smile

Wont tell you more tho, dont want to spoil surprise. ^_^

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown