Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
You should keep i mind (but i know its hard to accept) that humans tend to suround themselves with people they have something in common with ...
Its perfectly fine to talk with person with different religion, if you agree on politic stuff (or vice versa, or something entirely different) its perfectly fine to talk with person who have different politic ideas, as long as you can talk about sports, since you both like the same team ... etc. etc.

BUT (and this is the important part)
Once you and some random non-specified person have nothing in common, you will not stick together. Thats just how our mind works, there is nothing bad in that. smile

Once you grasp this idea, its not so hard to expand it futher ...
Why i never meet anyone who voted for the other president than i did?
Why i never meet anyone who thinks this horrible noise is actualy beautifull music?
Why i never meet anyone who would like that stupid sport (team)?
Why i never meet anyone who would like such ingame features?

The answer is often (almost allways) the same ... those people simply arent part of your social bubble, it doesnt mean they dont exist. wink
We generally surround ourselves with people that hold similar political & religious views and/or have similar enjoyment of sports, media, etc, and as you even mention not all views need to match. We can talk sports with someone who doesn't have the same religion, etc. In fact, knowing only people who have the exact same opinions as you on everything would be incredibly boring.

People obviously don't make or reject friends/acquaintances solely based on musical tastes and/or having the exact same view on a single mechanic in a video game. In fact, such a small detail likely wouldn't even come up until the friendship has already been made, and thus one can expect one's friends to have a wide range of views on something as small and specific as that.