Let's just hope that the feats and abilities become more stable after the EE launch. The Elemental Barrage nerf is really ouch for a lot of builds around it.
Definitely. My poor Eldritch Archer is really going to be feeling that. Now there's zero incentive to use the elemental enchantment abilities since they'll just get resisted anyway. The old interaction had existed for so long that many people just assumed that Elemental Barrage existed to make the elemental enchantments actually do something against demons that would otherwise resist them, but a few really broken multiclass builds just extended Barrage into a near infinite loop of damage due to how it was coded.
I'm hoping the devs walk back this nerf and decide to just make it trigger once per turn or per hit or something. Because making it spells only makes it effectively useless, even moreso when considering party members can't proc Barrage as a team, it's on a per-character basis. There was a reason no pure spellcaster used Elemental Barrage to begin with, and that's because the game heavily discourages mixing elements in every other case with the across the board resistances enemies have in this campaign, and the feats allowing you to ignore said resistances are on a per-element basis.