Joined: Aug 2022
So, the question is, who is your Dream Lover? And why?Do you choose their appearance for story/RP reasons ?If so, which ones? Please, do share screenshots if your want 😛😊!=================================================== This is a thread about the appearance of your Dream Lover.For threads discussing theories related to the plot, check here (non-exhaustive list) : Of dreams and tadpoles... and A Theory .=================================================== Personally, depending on my mood or my Tav, I pick one of the following : 1. A human pirate • For my most adventurous Tavs. Even if I'm seing him as more of a "Jack Sparrow-esk" pirate, he's representing the temptation of a potentially "selfish/evil" style of adventuring in addition to a strong desire for absolute freedom. Detail (Patch 8) : Male, Head 4, Blush 6 (Skin), Brown 1 (Eyes), Black brown 17b Hair, Facial hair 3, Tattoo 12 (Grey Green), Makeup 7 (black 85%). 2. A mephistopheles Tiefling • For the Tavs that love horns using magic and with a weakness for fiery magical (seemingly) "bad" boys. I'm picturing him being a bit of a cheeky prankster. Detail (Patch 8) : Male, Head 3, Horn 7, Pale Tone 8 or 9 (Skin), Demonic Yellow 2 (Eyes), Black Natural 21b Hair, Tattoo 13 (black), Makeup 15 (black). 3. Seldarine drow • For the Tavs that just love drows fascinated by people capable of defying cultural expectation (/going against the system) to be them-self, to do good and/or just to be free. I'm picturing this one having a more taciturn/wise demeanor. Detail (Patch 8) : Male, Head 2, Lichen Tone 5 (Skin), Purple 1 (Eyes), White 2 21b Hair with Blue 4 (35%) Highlights, Tattoo 12 (Dark purple), Makeup 5 (justiciar). Note : this question was asked on reddit today and I wanted to ask it here as well (I didn't find other thread on this). Especially because you can't really show screenshots on reddit 😅. And I really wanted to show my little baddies 😈🥰 I'm also absolutely curious and would love to know how others create their "Dream Lover" 😛 Edit : No. This is not the thread to complain about how races are supposed to look like.For threads complaining about how the different races look in BG3 : here
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2021
Joined: Oct 2020
Allways same race as my PC ... Maybe i will make exception when i (or more like if ever) create human (s/he would certainly like elves).  Allways female ... There is nothing sexual in this, i simlply dislike most male models in this game.  But recently (read as: cca 2 or 3 patches back) i decided just for fun to create exactly same Dream Lover as my PC ... it started as a little joke (who have seen Red Dwarf, S04E01 knows what im talking about  ) ... But as the game goes on, i find out that i really love this concept ... It seems like my Dream person is not just some mystical being trying to seduce me, it felt like my PC darker, ambicious, and maybe slightly evil self. >:] So since then ... my PC = my Dream lover. O:) Sometimes i change hairstyle tho. 
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 23/09/22 06:08 PM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Aug 2022
But recently (read as: cca 2 or 3 patches back) i decided just for fun to create exactly same Dream Lover as my PC ... it started as a little joke [...] But as the game goes on, i find out that i really love this concept ... It seems like my Dream person is not just some mystical being trying to seduce me, it felt like my PC darker, ambicious, and maybe slightly evil self. >:] Honestly, yes. Love it! The concept of an "evil" doppelgänger is pretty dope and something that I find fascinating. It's a trope that really works is this case. I might even try it out in one of my playthrough!
Joined: Oct 2021
I always pick the same look because I really want the dream persona to be tempting for me. So I go for a look I find appealing. I'll try to grab a screenshot some time for this thread.
But it's an easy look. It's the default female elf. The only changes I make are:
Eyes: grey Hair: 5 (down two from the default) Hair: Black Raven, no highlights Makeup: 2
Joined: Oct 2021
I have various ones depending on which of my characters I am using, usually I base them on a look I personally find attractive although somewhat tailored to the story.
Joined: Jun 2022
I personally make my Dreamer an uncorrupted and pure reflection of my character. A mirage in their best and purest form, something that they lost yet long for and want to be themselves, but could never be due to the way the dark fate spun its web around them.
I stick to pale and purple colors to emphasize the corruption caused by dark magic from higher beings, such as Zariel and Lolth. So their Dreamer reflects their original form. What they once were and wish could be again. Pure and uncorrupted, innocent beings who unfortunately were caught by higher forces, magically corrupted and forced to submit, until they eventually escaped. So it ends up being an inner conflict within themselves by trying to accept who they are now and the Dreamer reminding them of who they once were, which makes it all the more enticing.
Joined: Dec 2020
I don't interact with my Dream Lover ever so I just choose something random before I start. Always female though.
Joined: Jul 2022
The default pretty drow girl does it for me – but like I’ve mentioned before, I don’t care about romance simulators in games. Don’t need them.
BTW, some of the replies I’ve read from certain people – from a purely psychological POV – don’t surprise me even remotely.
Joined: Mar 2020
I don't interact with my Dream Lover ever so I just choose something random before I start. Same here. Occasionally I will spend a minute making the most hideous monster I can think of. In general, I don’t waste much time one creating my character. I rarely name my mains these days - after initial run, I mainly make runs with intention of testing things, so I don’t care much how my Tav looks, or his imaginary crush that I won’t get to see. I am saving my limited creativity for when the game drops.
Joined: Dec 2020
I find the dream person creepy and rapey, so I don't use my powers, apart from saving Shadowheart. But I don't really Invest much in making that person nowadays.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Mar 2022
My characters in game are always narcissists as it’s funny to Roleplay a mean prick like gale. So the only person my PC loves is himself. So I try to create an identical copy of my main character but for the opposite gender.
Therefore i would pick a drow or a tiefling, that is some form of bard or rogue. Obviously I make them maximally sexualized because it is funny. It’s a shame their is no ‘preety’ stat in game. As it would make RPing a lot easier if NPCs fawned over you and it caused other of the PCs [shadowheart, laz, Astarion] to comment on it.
Last edited by AusarViled; 25/09/22 03:30 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Sep 2020
I find the whole concept of romance ridiculous, and have never been able to create any character that even remotely cares about that stuff, there is a lot to do that is more interesting and important than wishing for, or trying to get in a relationship. Only time I bother with this stuff is if someone throws themselves at my character and they could see some benefits to this and don't despise the person. For a dream lover, it is just a dream, so there is no temptation because they do not actually exist (since my characters did not care to have relationships in the past.)
My dream lover is whatever random appearance I feel like looking at (usually some sort of drow or other elf, half elf, or tiefling) and can be male or female, same or opposite sex, same or different race to my character. When the game is properly released then I will most likely still do this, but attempt to have something that makes at least a tiny bit of sense for rp reasons.
Joined: Oct 2020
I find the whole concept of romance ridiculous, and have never been able to create any character that even remotely cares about that stuff, there is a lot to do that is more interesting and important than wishing for, or trying to get in a relationship. Only time I bother with this stuff is if someone throws themselves at my character and they could see some benefits to this and don't despise the person. For a dream lover, it is just a dream, so there is no temptation because they do not actually exist (since my characters did not care to have relationships in the past.) ^This ^ I don't really care about the dream lover, since I don't plan on using the tadpole powers anyway (aside from freeing Shadowheart). If I actually create one my dream lover is a human female (since I play male characters exclusively), with long blonde, red or black hair.
Joined: Jan 2021
A human pirate • For my most adventurous Tavs. Even if I'm seing him as more of a "Jack Sparrow-esk" pirate, he's representing the temptation of a potentially "selfish/evil" style of adventuring in addition to a strong desire for absolute freedom. I looooove your idea for the Pirate dream lover!  I usually create characters that resemble someone that my PC knew in their life before the abduction and that influenced them in some sort of way, but I give them the 'demonic' black eyes to signify that what my character sees is but a warped imitation of the original even if they don't realize it at first. For example, my Seldarine Drow Bard dreams of a fellow member of the College of Lore she had a tense love-hate relationship with. They constanlty tried to upstage each other to impress their teacher but ended up slowly growing to like each other and became a duo until their life decisions pushed them apart and ignited conflict between them once again. ![[Linked Image from cdn.discordapp.com]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/760821755887222788/1026168989199646851/unknown.png)
Last edited by Malrith; 02/10/22 04:32 PM.
- Firm believer in Mindflayer supremacy -