Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
The reason no one is really discussing this is that we usually see this like 2 months in advance, especially if Larian has yet to even begin any teasing which usually begins a month in advance.

There are multiple threads on Steam discussing patch 9, some of which are explicitly titled patch 9 – but references to the Steam DB update are scattered across several different threads if you paginate through a patch 9 search on BG3 Steam.

Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
We absolutely aren’t getting a patch by the anniversary.

What is it Bukowski said about confidence again?

Most of my ‘predictions’ are tongue-in-cheek, in case that wasn’t obvious, and I'm making no attempt whatsoever to 'prove' anything – but a patch 9 for the anniversary would not surprise me in the least.

It’s a big event and you really think anyone’s going to tune in just to hear them all congratulating themselves?

‘And by the way, we’ll have another panel from hell coming up in a few more weeks!’

Possibly with some unsubtle ‘clue’ as to what the class is going to be. That sorta marketing has far, far outlived its sell-by-date. The full game is in a playable enough state that they were hunting for playtesters quite a while back. Surely that test is already in motion, so they’ve nothing to add now but as much polish as is humanly reasonable.

I’m sure even their own devs/designers want it out the door by now, so this is the perfect time to spin up a big bang final patch, loaded to the gills with content, classes and new mechanics (read: level 5 and some new reaction system that’s the only big new mechanic marketing have semi-confirmed/hinted at).

And they do change up their patch-release formula. Ie – in the past, it used to be ‘patch hints’ -> ‘panel from hell (few weeks later)’ -> ‘patch (few weeks later)’. Recently it’s been panel from hell then straight to patch. For the last patch, they’re going to take that up one step further for sure.

Last edited by konmehn; 26/09/22 05:40 PM.