I'm not sure why you think the game is being released in Jan or Feb
Didn’t say it would be – it’s phrased as speculation, if you read back over it.
Even if you insist there’s no chance of an anniversary patch, the current trend of patches being every 4 months or so indicates a patch at the end of October – or let’s say end of November. So that’s one class down, one to go. Let’s add another 4 months to that and we’re at the end of March. Last class down.
Beyond this point, you really think people won’t feel they’re milking this? Ok.
The full game is complete and has been play-tested for who knows how long now. Yes, I’d definitely say a Q1 release is the aim, with Q2 being the absolute max. Feb is still 5 months away – that’s not enough time to polish off something they’ve already completed? Again, ok.
I feel Sven is fairly clued in to the unrest and doesn’t want to keep adding fuel to the fire. You talk mainly of Larian fanatics – reddit, in particular, is a well-known Larian cheer-leading forum, where you’ll be outright banned or down-voted into oblivion for even hinting you don’t like some minor feature. It’s heavily policed to be a Larian-positive place.
Likewise, the Larian youtube channel is more of the same. You have to look elsewhere to get a less starry-eyed opinion.
Originally Posted by Topgoon
For sure, the PFHs are definitely not aimed at the hardcore RPG population
They’re not aimed at the mainstream population either, IMO, as again I haven’t seen anyone outside the typical Larian fanbase who enjoy the campiness of it. There’s plenty of distaste out there for Larian’s overall brand strategy – that doesn’t mean people don’t still enjoy the game systems. How many people enjoyed the DOS series, but hated the Larianisms?
Clearly you’re not going to convince me with any of the evidence you quoted – and vice versa, I assume.
Originally Posted by Topgoon
As for the 2nd part... I believe that was actually Flooter's quote and not mine.
I copy and pasted the quote tags and forgot to change the name, but I assume it’s clear who I was addressing.