Originally Posted by Krom
Well the game is in early access for 2 years. That's a long time. And yes, it is true that it was maybe inevitable. The pandemic slowed development down, and the scope of BG3 seems large, much larger than DOS2 for example.

However, there are some things i'd like to point out.

Although the game is in early access for 2 years, we don't even have the whole list of PHB classes and races yet, we don't even have access to heavy armor(plate) yet, and the biggest part of the game is not accessible. For all those things, we cannot offer feedback or see what bugs we might encounter. For a lot of things, we are at the same point, or almost at the same point. What kind of feedback can i offer more now? I can't test all builds, i don't know even if favorites like Hexblade will make it to the game, i haven't seen multiclass yet, i can't even properly test heavy armor str builds. Paladin, who could maybe fix that, is nowhere to be found for 2 years, although to be fair, putting divine smite maybe is more complicated than it seems without it functioning in a weird way. Still, it's not there.

So the whole argument of going into early access to provide feedback and help, still stands but, we can't give feedback on a lot of things. Things that when you see, the game will probably be feature complete.

Anyway, what i would like is, at least a patch that puts the 2 remaining classes and multiclass in, or at least a narrowing of the release window. Logic(?) says around March-April-May, but who knows.

A little more communication about what races and subclasses we will see in the final game would be appreciated. They have us in the dark, hoping our favorite subclass will make it, you can't convince me that they haven't decided yet what will be in the game and what won't at this point in development.

Well. They most certainly have wrapped up the decisions of what will be in the game by now. Most probably what will be revealed before full release as well. Remember, Sven stated early that they do want to save some things for full release besides the continuation of the story. And the EA has from the very start been about what Larian wants feedback on, not what we want to test. Sadly smile

And not everything need to be tested beforehand either. They do have QA testers and use a smaller test group for act 2 and 3, and the bugs that will slip through that will be dealt with after release, as usual these days.

Multiclassing does not need that much testing if the separate classes has been thoroughly checked. Balance wise maybe but there will soon be "the best builds guides" all over the web no matter how hard they try to balance.
And, considering Larians take on metamagic, rest system, itemisation and shove etc, balance is not something they seem to hold in high regard anyway.
What is important though is a good tutorial, explaining how Multiclass works for the uninitiated and a clearly arranged level up UI so you easily can see how a new class will affect your character for now, and in the future. I really like what Owlcat did with Pathfinder in this regard.

Do monks have anything mechanic wise that other classes so far hasn't emulated (ie Ki points should work similar to sorcery points etc), besides a proper reaction system? If not, that class can wait until full release.

Besides pure aesthetics, races don't need testing, and, we seem to be stuck with how Larian envision them. So those missing can wait till full release.

Does Heavy armor work differently than Medium armor? If not, it can wait. But I guess Armor is more efficient in 5e than pathfinder because of bounded accuracy.

So, what I hope to see in next patch is, in order of priority:

1. Improved reaction system

2. Major changes based on community feedback a la patch 5. I don't care if it goes against your vision Larian, the people have spoken! (Well, the few ones interested enough to raise their voices smile )

3. Revert of lighting system and graphics to patch 7 standards. Why did you have to fiddle with something that wasn't broken?!

4. Paladins

5. Hmm, bugfixing I guess.

Oh, and to anchor my post to the topic...with only 4 days left to go, I don't see Patch 9 happening just yet.