The experience has killed my interest in ever buying an EA game ever again. To me the biggest annoyance has been the lack of engagement with the community about progress etc. Larian's communication has been abysmal.
I think Larian's communication has been great. They have been doing 3-4 major events a year where they do pretty deep dives into the development, thought processes, etc. I'm not sure what other gaming companies are doing anything even close to the Panel From Hell stuff that Larian is doing.
CD Projekt Red has done quite a bit of stuff this year - but nothing on the scale of repeated Panel From Hell stuff.
I think fans of video games have expectations of communication that don't align with reality. Look at any AAA developer - as far as I can tell none of them communicate with their fanbase as much as Larian has, though maybe I am missing one of them.
Exactly my thoughts. What people actually mean by "more communication" is often "all the finalized game", failing to see features and future acts aren't yet ready to be advertised. PFH are the best way to communicate progress I have seen ever. I don't know any other game that has that level of effort put in the presentation of new content. .
I don't know any companies that put as much effort into presenting single EA patch.
But most EA I played tend to be living. Larian's EA is absolutely dead of any kind of relations with the players 350 days per year for 2 years now.
At this point I don't even understand why they hired 2 new community managers because things has not changed at all, except 4 messages on this board (1 was very usefull). But maybe I'm wrong and "managing comminuty'" does not mean "relation with the community". Not at all against you guys, really.