Originally Posted by Zyllos
Originally Posted by Lake Plisko
The odds that your feedback is being listened to this late into development is... slim to none, at least for release. Based on the improvements to visuals, cinematics, etc. they are in the stages of polishing the game and finalizing everything. Odds are systems are pretty much set in stone and won't be changing in any kind of significant way until the game launches. The game has been in development for like five years and in Early Access for over two now, with tons of feedback coming from the same content in the game. I imagine Larian will be reviewing feedback upon full launch of the game and implementing it with patches moving forward after the entire community is participating.

The above is as true as what was stated earlier in the thread that two years of Early Access is not something to be celebrated or published as a great feat or something like that. You can look at feedback on Reddit, Twitter, etc. around the topic to see large swathes of the community see it as a negative as opposed to a positive.

I had hoped the long delay in communication was that Larian had decided to focus on trying to iron out the reaction system and to get the last bit of the systems that needed work finished before saying they are moving into final development.

But, this kind of message suggests to me that this is more likely not to be true, which saddens me, along with many others here, I think.

I guess all we can do is wait and see.

As the person who wrote that message...

I wouldn't say that there won't be a change to the reaction system and stuff like that. Just that if it is in the game it is likely already done and decided on - feedback now isn't going to impact how they reforge something like the reaction system.