There is old saying in Czech: Hundert times nothing killed the donkey.

I give you an example ...
Its not my own, its from my friend who is working in gamedevelopment in CDPR ...
She send a message to colleague askind for some data ...
He answered in an hour ... bcs he was doing something and (as most people i know) didnt check his emails every few seconds.

But he forgot to add attachment to that answer email ... so she had to ask again.
The second answer took him another hour.
That are two hours wasted for something they would regulary manage to do in few seconds.

Now ... all you need to do is multiply.

This was single colleague, single problem, resolved just once ... presuming she would be so unlucky with two collagues twice per week during that homeoffice timet ...
For half year (dunno how long it was in Belgium tho) it would mean aproximately:
6(months)*4(weeks)*2(cases)*2(hours) = 96h of delay ...
So things that would regulary take her hardly more than 15-30 minutes ... is being resolved for 4 whole days.
And that is still for only one person.
Now imagine that there are dozens (in Larian cases even hunderts) of people whos work is dependent on someone else work ...
So thanks to this ... several dozens of people cant continue bcs they dont have foundation from my friend, who is waiting to someone else ... and another dozens are waiting for them and so on and so forth ... you get the idea.

Or you can ignore all this for simplicity and presume that stretching go all the same ...
So if something that would take an 1 hour lets say for simplicity ... took them 100h, rounded up, again for simplicity ...
Something that woul take them a Month would take them?

I know this is false math ...
But just to imagine the scale it can work.

Its called chain reaction.

One splitted attom is not a problem ... what happens afterwards is what makes people affraid.