Dear Larian.
I have been told this forum is a good way to reach you, so here I am.

My only request related to Baldur's Gate 3 is this.
Please give me the option for my (female) characters to not wear a shirt/bra/etc. when I feel like not wearing one.
I look to D&D and its ilk for escapism from the frustrations I have with the real world, and a big factor in that frustration is the prevalence of nipplephobic attitudes and policies.
I honestly don't care if it's a day 1 DLC that adds the option, an "AO" version of the game(if the ESRB is that sexist), or something like that, but I really don't want to rely on the unreliable and tedious nature of mods (I rarely find topless but not nude ones, btw) and I'm only asking for in-game topfreedom, not even full nudity.

I like to think that fantasy worlds like D&D wouldn't discriminate towards women's right to go bare-chested, when it's normal to see, for example, female warriors or rulers. They often talk about equal rights, but that should extend to the in-universe nudity standards too, I believe.

Maybe it could be an option that can be toggled in the game menu, so as to not bother those who disagree with me.

@everyone: I am not open to any kind of debate, and I'm aware of the reasons why most game companies wouldn't do this. I am only posting this as a message to Larian Studios.