Originally Posted by Lotus Noctus
Wow very sobering when I read through the comments like this. So the accusation BG 3 is just a DOS 2 clone hardens. I never played the DOS series (never was a fan of it) and I don't even need to now, because if I ever played BG 3, I played DOS 2 anyway.

However, I do wonder, if BG 3 copies so much of DOS 2, why they take so long to finally finish....
Clone is definitely not a word I would use - there are too many diferences on design, technical, and tone level to make them seperate IP, but yeah, I think it is closer to D:OS2 then BG1&2, and that's where I think a lot of disappointment comes from.

Even if Larian bases a lot of BG3 on D:OS2 it is not a copy-paste job. Perhaps they saved some time on finding new voice and fun, but they are still building a game with more of everything, so the dev time is understandably longer. Also D:OS2 felt rather unfinished in its later staged, so lets keep fingers crossed that BG3 will avoid that fate.