Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
Originally Posted by JandK
Breasts aren't sexual? lol, I dare say there's a multi-billion dollar industry that would disagree.

I'm pretty sure Niara's point wasn't that breasts aren't sexual, but that turning this request into a sexual kink is not right, which I agree with. Personally I do not see an issue with it as this is a mature game with nudity, sex and sex references. And I think it would be really cool to be able to have a bare-chested female Barbarian with body warpaint all over her to look like someone who's fully embraced the tribal and primal wilderness.

However... I will go and say that breasts are not sexual, it is simply a dumb perception of modern society. Breasts are just a body part like any other and any body part can be sexualized. In the past, a woman showing ankles was considered sexual. And a woman acting outside of certain established behaviors was considered a slut. It's simply the treatment of modern men towards women that keeps creating these weird sexual perceptions and rules that keep changing as time goes by.

Anyone claiming otherwise is free to simply take a look at any of today's tribes still following the old ways and you will see actual full equality where men and women live together in union, where all women are bare-chested just like men are. From Amazon tribes to African tribes to Asian tribes, bare-chested women are a completely normal thing. Only the dumb modern society thinks it's some sinful act to be a bare-chested woman or to have breasts in media.

Not thinking it should be sexual doesn't mean it's not sexual, even if you think those who sexualize it are "dumb."

It not being sexual in one culture does not make it non sexual in another culture.

In other words, you seem to striving for some sort of absolute truth, when there's a simple truth at hand. And the simple truth is this: something is as sexual in a culture as that culture makes it. As it happens, in this modern culture, breasts are sexual. Trying to tell people that they're not really turned on by breasts, that it's all in their head, is a funny game. I guess the end result is trying to change the world or something. Not sure.