Originally Posted by JandK
Trying to tell people that they're not really turned on by breasts, that it's all in their head, is a funny game. I guess the end result is trying to change the world or something. Not sure.

Well ask yourself why are you not attracted to a pair of breasts on a torn apart corpse of a naked woman. Because if what you say is true and you actually believe that breasts are sexual no matter what, then you should be attracted to a pair of breasts in such a scenario as any other. If that is too extreme, then a more relatable circumstance would be a woman breastfeeding or being topless on a nudist beach. I mean if that attracts you I won't kink shame, but I think my point is clear.

Simply put; breasts are sexual depending on the circumstances, but not on their own and definitely not at all times, otherwise it becomes objectification. Which is exactly what always caused men to impose rules upon women. So because of this in the Western society breasts are taboo, while in Eastern society the entire woman is taboo and has to hide herself.

Regardless, I simply see no issue with this request as the game already has full on nudity and intricate sex scenes, so a topless female character is not even remotely sexual compared to everything else in the game, especially Minthara's 69 treatment.