Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
Well ask yourself why are you not attracted to a pair of breasts on a torn apart corpse of a naked woman with harvested organs. Because if what you say is true and you actually believe that, then you should be attracted to a pair of breasts in such a scenario as any other. If that is too extreme, then a more relatable circumstance would be a woman breastfeeding or being topless on a nudist beach. I mean if you are I won't kink shame, but I think my point is clear.

To start, some folks certainly are attracted to that.

Even so, it's not a fair example. Breasts are sexualized in society. Death is not. The gruesome nature of death overwhelms the sexual nature of the breasts.

As for nude beaches and breastfeeding, I guarantee there are plenty of teenage boys who wouldn't mind watching both.

Also, just to be clear, the sexualization of breasts doesn't mean every breast is attractive. Some are more attractive than others. Individuals have preferences, but society at large tends to prefer ones that can be described with words like "pert."

Whereas something described as "saggy" would generally be less attractive and thus less sexualized in popular culture.

Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
Simply put; breasts are sexual depending on the circumstances, but not on their own and definitely not at all times, otherwise it becomes objectification. Which is why I see no issue with this request as the game already has full on nudity and a topless female character is literally nothing compared to how Minthara 69's the player as if it's her last night on Faerun.

Well now, in complete fairness, Minthara is evil. How can we expect anything else? Pure debauchery. Shaking my head.

As for your point about objectification, I'm not sure what you mean. What does that have to do with sexualization? I get that you might not approve of things you consider objectifying, but that sounds more like a personal stance than a commentary on what popular culture finds sexual.