Originally Posted by JandK
Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
Well ask yourself why are you not attracted to a pair of breasts on a torn apart corpse of a naked woman with harvested organs. Because if what you say is true and you actually believe that, then you should be attracted to a pair of breasts in such a scenario as any other. If that is too extreme, then a more relatable circumstance would be a woman breastfeeding or being topless on a nudist beach. I mean if you are I won't kink shame, but I think my point is clear.

To start, some folks certainly are attracted to that.

Even so, it's not a fair example. Breasts are sexualized in society. Death is not. The gruesome nature of death overwhelms the sexual nature of the breasts.

As for nude beaches and breastfeeding, I guarantee there are plenty of teenage boys who wouldn't mind watching both.

Also, just to be clear, the sexualization of breasts doesn't mean every breast is attractive. Some are more attractive than others. Individuals have preferences, but society at large tends to prefer ones that can be described with words like "pert."

Whereas something described as "saggy" would generally be less attractive and thus less sexualized in popular culture.

Which is precisely my point and why I mentioned objectification.

Breasts being sexual regardless of the circumstances is basically sexual objectification which women suffer from to this very day and is the whole core of the issue as unfortunately because of this, the world of man keeps imposing stupid rules upon women for more than 2000 years now because little Dick Johnson cannot control the thing between his legs. These taboo in modern society are not made because of a wise society for the betterment of the world, but a dumb one that keeps oppressing women due to its own lack of control.

It is a problem exclusively caused by men, yet the solution according to society is to restrict and oppress women... instead of educating men on how to behave and treat women.

  • Why should a woman hide her breasts, but not a man? Because man said so.
  • Why should a woman hide her ankles, but not a man? Because man said so.
  • Why should a woman hide her feet, but not a man? Because man said so.
  • Why should a woman hide her hair, but not a man? Because man said so.
  • Why should a woman have to dress properly, but not a man? Because man said so.
  • Why does a man decide how a woman should dress and act? Because men sexually objectify women.
  • How would you feel if a woman told you what you can and cannot wear and make laws with consequences that you have to follow?

Nudity was first glorified and seen as a symbol of strength and health. Sculptured by the Gods and being blessed by the Gods was a term to describe someone beautiful and healthy in such day and age. And through time women went from admired beings to being reduced to sexual bits, which caused an insane downright spiral of restrictions, rules and punishments which to this day affect women and the thinking of modern society.

  • A woman was started to be seen as an inferior sex with her only purpose being a breeding stock for a man
  • Then women were started to be seen as bad luck and not allowed in many aspects of society because they could distract men
  • Then women were actively hunted, tortured, burned and executed by the Church Inquisition for not being holy and pure
  • Then women were started to be seen as witches and once again burned for casting spells to control weak-minded men
  • Then in the Victorian age women were expected to dress and behave accordingly. Showing an ankle was considered a sexual scandal and behaving outside the norm a woman was considered a slut
  • Then in the 20th century a woman would be lobotomized for not behaving according to society's view of ladyship and the vast majority of lobotomized patients were exclusively women
  • Then in the modern times women still lack certain rights due to 2000 years of men's oppression against women due to sexual objectifications
  • Western world sees breasts as taboo while Eastern world sees an entire woman as a taboo
  • In the Eastern culture, a sexually raped woman will be imprisoned and punished if she was deemed to not be dressed properly. A woman accused by a man of unfaithfulness may be sentenced to death by stoning.
  • In the entire world breasts are seen as taboo because the mistake of men 2000 years ago is still being dragged along which is why you think breasts are sexual and should be censored.

All of this is exactly because of sexual objectification.

Even as a European myself I witnessed this shit with my very own eyes. My mother who is an absolute professional and was the best in her line of work before switching careers, had a meeting with the President to establish trade routes with another country and then had a meeting with subordinates to make the deal go through. The entire business plan failed because one guy on the board could not control himself and told her he will only allow the deal to go through if she lets him f*** her, despite her being absolutely professional and professionally clothed.

Female Twitch streamers had rules imposed upon them because men with foot fetishes kept harassing them constantly and sexually objectifying them by asking to show feet, despite most girls being completely normal streamers. Instead of getting rid of the bullies, rules were instead imposed upon women once again. Bare feet were not allowed whatsoever and showing feet would end in a ban.

Today... a woman comes on the forum to request a topless feature in a game that features full nudity and explicit sex scenes and suddenly it's a big taboo for Baldur's Gate to have a topless feature because breasts are apparently sexual even though a woman DOES NOT sexualize her breasts. So once again the cycle continues. Man imposes what a woman can and cannot do because a man has no self-control, even in an artform that is supposed to serve as escapism as it always has been for thousands of years.

TLDR: Reality sucks. The way this failed society treats women is shit. And art instead of being contrary to the norm, is instead conforming to the norm.