Originally Posted by Piff
It's funny because we already have nude player models in this game, they get used for the sex scenes, and the underwear is a separate added layer.
I don’t know if all games or done the same way, but during EA of PoE2 in one update one of the sidekicks’s model became completely nude by defoult. Character artist explained that the6 first create full character model and then add clothes on top for accuracy - the wrong model just got patched in by accident.

Originally Posted by Piff
Given that there is already nudity and sex in this game, you would think that asking for a nude option alongside underwear wouldn't be a big thing, but here we are.
It’s a bit like asking why a character doesn’t run with his willy out in a movie if there is a sex scene in it, no?

Returning to PoE2 - it has full nudity as well, but in scenario that it makes sense, not having characters running around with their tits or John out. One can quote certain tribal cultures where it is socially acceptable, but D&D ain’t that, is it? At least not the part we have seen so far in BG3. Everyone else goes around fully clothed. But then again, I am not one to make my characters run in the underwear, which should also garner some reaction, and I doubt the game accounts for that. Whatever, I don’t care.

And yes, there are digital soft porn scenes in the game. It’s stupid and I feel for people who have to make this shit happen. I suppose I just don’t see it as a thing that’s anything worthwhile to the game to begin with.

Last edited by Wormerine; 27/10/22 09:38 AM.