Nobody here is talking about inappropriate public appearances though nor saying that going to a shop dressed like they're going to a beach is normal. Naturally it isn't, but this is not even remotely what my point is about, as my point is about breasts not being a sexual body part.

The only sexual body parts are the penis and the vagina. Hair, eyes, lips, breasts, hands, waist, butt, thighs, legs, feet, even a body figure... can all be sexually attractive, but they are not inherently sexual even if they may attract. Yet the sexual objectification of men towards these body parts is what ends up creating oppression and rules for women, which is why I said everything I said because whatever men sexually objectify ends up oppressing women and new rules being imposed upon them. So by doing that, society is not fixing the problem but shifting the responsibility upon women.

Case and point, the streamer Susu. Her toe emote got deleted not once, but twice even after being edited. Because men sexually objectified her feet to such extent that instead of punishing the horny boys who cannot control themselves and getting them off the platform, Susu was instead punished. Why is she being punished for something that is completely normal to her and not sexual, which is her very own feet. And she has gone on record several times expressing deep hatred for foot fetishists who keep ruining everything.

Same with streamer Marz, who is a photo model. Because in some of her Instagram posts she was barefoot, this attracted a massive surge of imbeciles who made her so uncomfortable that now she actively goes out of her way to make sure her feet are never shown in photos. And if they are, she will cover them up with emojis or blur them out. So are feet now a sexual body part and women should hide their feet? Why are girls being punished for a problem caused by men? Well... that is explained by my very long post above.

It is like someone pointing a gun at you and the officer instead of solving the problem by disarming the guy about to kill you, instead gives you a bulletproof vest so you can soak in the bullets. That's what society does and has been doing to women. Men are the problem, but the responsibility is always shifted to women.

A woman should be able to go to a beach and be topless freely just like men are, same as women in this game should be able to be topless just like men are, same as they should be barefooted if they want to. Women should not be oppressed just because a guy gets a hard on. And yes unfortunately it is oppression, because women are not asked to hide their breasts, they're forced to, just like they're forced to wear hijabs in some countries and the whole burka in others. Very big difference.