Originally Posted by JandK
Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
Talking about Minthara doing the 69 treatment or something else?

Sins of the flesh, of course. Lust. More animalistic than civilized and covered in blood, no less. I don't see how we can mistake this for anything other than unadulterated evil.

And let's not forget that she's not even married.

Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
Otherwise what would Shadowheart be then who is withdrawn, shy and romantic, but then rather than outright rejecting the idea of a threesome with Lae'zel, she instead postpones it for another day.

I always suspected she wasn't being sincere. Meaning she was just sort of saying anything to get the player character to leave her alone about it and stop being creepy.

Or maybe leaving the possibility open is the evil influence of Shar at work? I guess that's reasonable.
Well um... fascinating. Apparently love and pleasure, the most natural and pure thing in existence and the whole reason for our existence, is now evil and sinful.

Though I must address that Minthara actually wishes to marry the player, as she herself states that she would take us as her consort to Menzoberranzan if given a chance. And she does take that chance, as after being convinced through the power of love to ignore the Absolute's will, she aims to join the player later down the road. So maybe she is not so adulterated and evil and shallow as you think she is grin