Originally Posted by JandK
"breasts aren't sexual!!!"

--meanwhile, billions of dollars being made through topless bars and magazines and only fans sites and etc and etc and etc.

You can scream all day about what you think the world should be, and you can insist till your blue in the face that the *only* sexual parts are in the crotch, but the world keeps turning and breasts continue to be sexual in the actual culture you live in. Whether you turn a blind eye to it or not.

The problem with the logic of "objectification = bad" that's being pawned off here is that it's shallow.

First of all, just because a society deems something as normal, does not make it right. The very church and religion that you so deeply embraced also used to hunt, burn and kill women by the mass for centuries and is the whole reason why women are still punished and oppressed to this day. And according to you, people should just sit and be quiet and accept the way things are.

Do you know what stopped all those terrible crimes against humanity? Exactly the men and women who spoke and fought against it. And many of them died. And if you take a look at our world today, there are many protests of women to stop this sexual objectification of breasts by doing topless rallies all over the world.

Second of all, quite ironic that you would say something is shallow after the opinions you've expressed in this very thread.