Originally Posted by Ranxerox
Originally Posted by JandK
You can scream all day about what you think the world should be,

Exactly how we've improved it.

Given the current state of education, politics, crime, and overall victim chasing, I'm not exactly sure where all those improvements are.

But that aside, I'm certainly not trying to tell folks what they think the world should be. I'm just saying that breasts are clearly sexual in this culture. It's not even debatable. Again, there's entire industry based on the sexuality of breasts in modern culture.

Now, you can say that's harmful to women. And someone else could easily argue that it's actually helpful to women. Goodness knows the subject isn't as simple and shallow as polite blanket statements presented thus far would suggest. Either way, it's a completely different argument. Whether you think it's harmful, helpful, or somewhere in between... it doesn't change the fact that breasts are sexual in this culture. And barking at the moon while pretending otherwise doesn't change that.