Originally Posted by JandK
Given the current state of education, politics, crime, and overall victim chasing, I'm not exactly sure where all those improvements are.

Well I can only speak for my neck of the woods, but things are significantly better here than when I was born. Just to use one tiny example my daughter will be graduating next year from University and has already begun her career thanks to a lot of hard work during summer breaks. She has a bright future in business ahead of her. When I was born it wasn't even legal for my mother to have her own bank account without my father's signature. Women didn't get this far without making some noise. If they had sat around waiting for men to change they'd still be waiting.

However getting back on topic, I think the option is fine and its good to see the Modding community doing so much to enhance the BG3 experience. There were many excellent Mods for DOS2 that really improved the game.