I think people are misunderstanding what BG3 is all about.

Baldur's Gate 3 is more of a dating simulator than an Baldurs gate D&D adventure game. You know where all of the development money went when developers are coming to you with their hands out whispering promises of epic adventures when all the core gameplay is either broken or missing but all of the character creation, romance and sex has been fully fleshed out.

A funny review I found that illustrate this point:

"The male vampire dude (I am also male) keeps sending me gay vibes and tries to suck my blood while saying that he "doesn't want to hurt me". He always acts like has the hots for me and my rejection seems to only encourage this behavior.

There are two women you will encounter that can join your party; an alien-looking lady without a nose that is always demanding things and telling you how terrible you are. The other chick that is the Forgotten Realms equivalent of Captain Marvel: to be a strong woman you have to be an asshole to men. Neither of these are attractive qualities.

There is a another party member I have yet to meet but can be seen in the game literature. It's some guy with the succubus grinding on his leg while suckling at his ear.

Everyone I've met so far is either a pansy or an asshole. Men always seem to have the hots for me and the women hate me.

From what I've read, the next place I get to visit is the Underdark. I'm really looking forward to my upcoming visit to this matriarchal society where I can anticipate being put down as both a human with pale skin and for being male.

This game is pushing full on sex before you even reach level 2 like its candy. I feel violated just by playing this game. And every forced romantic moment reads like the writers reaching into my pants for shits and giggles. I wanted the badass high fantasy adventure with all the foul language and inappropriate social norms and misery that trudging around in full plate in all weather conditions under the intense pressure to survive brings to the table.

This isn't Baldur's Gate. It's someone's sick romantic love fantasy SJW manifesto parading as an RPG. "

It just reminded me of the bowl of goat's milk that old Winthrop used to put outside his door every evening for the dust demons. He said the dust demons could never resist goat's milk, and that they would always drink themselves into a stupor and then be too tired to enter his room..