Originally Posted by Lake Plisko
A bunch of you guys were convinced there would be an update on the second anniversary of Early Access... there wasn't. In fact it made no sense to do it since the beginning because two years of a game being in Early Access isn't anything to celebrate.

They Tweeted a picture of a ghost with Halloween coming up and now a bunch of you are convinced that it absolutely has to mean something... when it very well might not.

Larian has no obligation to come around and comfort you because every random idea you dream up isn't real. To not do so isn't "bad".

They will announce something soon, there will most likely be a patch before the end of the year... just relax.

Pretty much this. And I say this as one of the few people who straight up told people earlier in this thread to not expect anything from the anniversary. The lesson to learn here is that some of you need to knock down that pedestal that you put Larian on if you somehow took a ghost emoji as any kind of hinting, otherwise you're going to be disappointed no matter what in regards to something at full launch. Lord knows some of us have already learned that lesson.

Though I'm not convinced that there actually is going to be another patch, at this point I'm becoming more convinced that there was one but they've probably scrapped it in favor of in-house testing and putting everyone towards finishing the full game, and are simply buying time until they have a concrete release window to announce that.

Last edited by Saito Hikari; 30/10/22 06:08 PM.