Originally Posted by Niara
We must come out of the game space and say: "Okay, we can see that the tadpole isn't actually on a time limit and we're safe from that, so we can explore." - and we must step out of game to do that
Must we tho?

I mean ... within parameters of forgotten realms (as far as i know) ongoing ceremorphosis erase your personality in matter of hours.
This initial process, which happened over a period of a few hours,[5] effectively completely replaced the victim's personality with the tadpole's, while still keeping the body alive for the second stage of the transformation
Source: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Ceremorphosis

So basicaly once we lay down for the first night sleep ... IF we are still aware of oureself ... we *know* (without stepping out of our character) that our Ceremorphosis is alterned and time is not as precious as it would be with regular thing.
Also we can presume that something eating our brain alive would be quite painfull proces.

Sure ...
We can argue on if our character would even have that knowledge ... but i dont think there is deffinitive answer to that ... seems lie "depends on character" kind of thing. smile

But still this is something that is repeated by every single character that have any knowledge about the thing (Gale, Lae'zel, Nettie, Halsin, Ommeluum) ...

Not to mention that while time may easily seem to stand still in this game ... from "inside" perspective we should keep its flow in mind.
And since only first few hours is essential, even tho we cannot pinpoint the exact time when it would happen, what is certain is that it WOULD happen ... and since its not happening, it can mean only one thing.

So why exactly would we "need to come out of game to acnowledge that"?


Slightly off but still related:
I dont think we can apply our (read as real) rules of time and space on this game tho.

Just think: When we travel from Beach to Waukeen's Rest ... it take us X logn rests = days.
Even if you would make it within one ... then you can travel the same distance back ... but the fun part is that you can travel that distance as many times as you want and it would STILL take you just one day! As long as you dont rest. laugh
Travel back and forth enough times without rest and when you try to calculate your travel speed you can not just reach but extend speed of light. laugh

So our only way to measure here are long rests ...
And while we (read as: player) practicaly have control over them, we still should keep in mind that time should flow ... so even if we "rush" there is no way we would actualy outrun that.
Unless we "step outside the game".

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown