I for one love crusade management in WotR, it scratches a very particular itch for me. I'll even go out of my way to engage with it, chasing down enemy units, levelling up my generals and armies, etc. It's not my favorite part either, but I will happily spend just a chunk of time doing nothing but managing the crusade when I want a break from the main campaign. While I disagree with some of GMs points, I'm not gonna try and argue against them because stuff like story and character is quite subjective-I actually think that the BG3 story is outright bad and far less engaging at this point than WotR was by the end of its act 1, but I know that that some stories work better for some people. The first seasons of Game of Thrones are definitely not for me, but I'm not gonna argue with anyone who enjoys them. And I had a friend who thought that the last season was good and a return to form for the series. I just felt the need to particularly defend the crusade management as something that's enjoyable and not fundamentally negative.