They don't play on higher difficulties. Most of these complaints are rehashed and not personal, evidenced by the fact that everyone brings up buffs in their rhetoric, when at the game's default difficulty they're not remotely required for progression. You may need a specific buff here and there (the game hands you a See Invisibility scroll early on in one of these instances, just as an example) but prebuffing an entire list is something that's more for Core and above.
This remind me of the experience share debate in modern Pokémon. When people complain about the game being too easy, some say to disable the item that gives you party wide XP. The thing is, no, I do want to use all tools the game is giving me. Pathfinder as its core is flawed in that regard, since using all the tools means you have to use buffs, mounts, dips and as a whole a lot of meta gaming and it makes the game revolve around those strategies. This is why people have been complaining about jump to disengage, shove, potion throwing, circlet of fire, etc... in BG3.