That's fair, and sorry for the snappish tone, It's late and I'm tired (again... I have to stop doing this)
I do agree that it was a bit frustrating that the characters spent so much of the game acting like they weren't aware that N was behind all the problems... the game makes it so patently clear that it can't be called a secret or something to 'figure out', but the characters, and thus your options, do require you to go along as if you aren't aware of this... yeah, that's a fair criticism.
I'm still suggesting the chained oblivion for BG3, only partially tongue-in-cheek (it actually matches Thariz'dun's usual MO to a tee); one part as joke, but one part because Larian's story writing arse-pulls so much already, and is so dedicated to the inelegantly over-epic throw-it-all-at-the-canvass approach to story elements that it's as legitimate a guess as any and more than some ^.^