Thank you for the insight, it's appreciated - but it doesn't address the concerns that are most prominent here. I appreciate that there's only so much you're able to say, but telling us that you 'do the thing' is still only saying that you do the thing, and it doesn't show us anything meaningful or reassuring. If all that can be spoken about is what 'we (the community)' can do for 'you (Larian)', that isn't taking care of your community; a healthy feedback community requires reciprocation, and without that, you just burn away all the good will and positive energy of the space, and it falls into a majority of vapid squabbling that isn't helpful for anyone. If you compare the posts in the first four months of this EA, with the most recent four months, you'll see a very clear illustration of that.

What can you actually give back to the community as an act of feedback reciprocation?

There are a large handful of Heavily discussed issues here; problems or elements of feedback that have been noted, discussed, weighed and in most cases heavily supported as an element that needs attention, by a very large number of commenter... all of which have never received even the smallest comment of reciprocal feedback to let the community know where they stand, or if they can or should direct their energy elsewhere. A shortlist of each of these heavily discussed elements, and where Larian stands on them would go a very long way here; even if it is as simple as saying "we're commenting on these because they are the top ten most discussed and debated topics", followed by one or two lines that lets the community know how to better direct their focus and energy - to say "this feature/element is locked in to the point that major changes to it are not feasible at this stage" is still a positive feedback reciprocation, as it lets us know that the matter is settled, and we can move on. Saying "We understand the high level of interest in improving this element, but don't have any information we can share about it as of yet." is itself a useful and community-supporting gesture of reciprocal feedback; it's not redundant or meaningless to reach out and say that - it helps support a healthy feedback community.


Yes, we ask for answers; that's what asking a question is - a request for an answer. Please don't invite us to ask questions with one breath, and then tell us that asking for answers is 'not the way to go' with your very next breath. All that succeeds in doing is making it look like everything you're attempting to do is little more than a PR deflection, and it undermines the effort you're putting in; to be clear, I appreciate the insight here - it's a longer and more engaging post than we've seen around here for who-knows-how-long. I am, genuinely, hoping to see more engagement of this nature.