If I recall correctly, there are three ways into the Underdark, jumping down from the spider lair, the chapel ladder, and the elevator in the Zhentarim base. There's also a teleportation circle in Ethel's but I'm not sure it works without getting there from the Underdark first. You can also leave the abandoned fortress through a broken window and work your way around the side to the Drow statues, if you don't feel like destroying a priceless artefact...It belongs in a museum!.
Speaking of Ethel, the most stress free way of getting Ethel for me, is taking her down before she even leaves the hut, with some control and a little luck it's possible. That Ethel fight has been one of the more annoying for me so I understand you, it was often bugged too which didn't help.
Last edited by Sozz; 08/11/22 07:47 PM. Reason: [i]I[/i] belong in an asylum