Originally Posted by GM4Him
Wow. Our experiences are quite different. I was very happy with 3 mercs. I got to create 3 more characters for it. I also thought they were quite necessary for survival. Without them, my MC would surely have died.

I also totally disagree about the pathfinding. BG3 has an entire Megathread about their pathing and how bad their movement mechanics are. I never had a problem with Pathfinder.

And I have no idea what you mean by limiting to 2 puzzles. I also have no idea what you mean by the puzzle that causes instant death of the entire team. Even if there is one and I missed it, so what. It's like the old Choose Your Own Adventure books I used to read as a kid. One bad choice and The End. Just reload and choose again. If it makes sense to have the whole party die because of a bad choice, then I say good for them.

Oh. Maybe you're referring to the end. If you choose the wrong thing you HAVE to fight the insanely powerful demon. Yeah. I did that and died. Reload. Um. Yeah. If you're going to force the gnome who you know can't control his power to confront the monster, or you CHOOSE to fight it, you probably deserve a total party wipe. And as I recall, they even gave the option to sacrifice a character so everyone else could escape.

And, you know, you and I have totally different opinions on games, so I probably will love what happens when Through the Ashes characters return if you were disappointed.

I don't know if you've played DLC1 but the puzzles were even worse than in the base game and that's an achievement.

In DLC 2 it is better because they are more logical, there are fewer of them and they do not require you to run around the map several times.
I mean a puzzle with levers. There are 2 in the game, the first of them is still in 1 area.
The second is in area 3, in the basement where you find the looters.
It is this one that causes instant wipe. I really don't like this approach.

You're not going to tell me that how characters avoid threats is better in pathfinder ?.
In the case of pathfinder, they just ignore any dangers. No matter if it's a 1/3 way trap or a toxic cloud, they'll never even try to avoid it.
In the case of bg3, the characters at least try not to kill themselves.

The second area in this dlc is simply the worst of it all.
The whole area is built in such a way that the AI can't handle it.

Last edited by Rhobar121; 10/11/22 02:43 PM.