Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
So my question is this:
Is that just me, or is "day-night cycles in multiplayer becomes incredibly complicated." lamest possible excuse since BioWare stated that animations in Mass Effect: Andromeda sucks, bcs there is too many of them and it would be lot of work to make them properly? O_o
I mean ...
I dont even know how to say this in different words. laugh
That statement just seems wrong on so many levels, i dont even know how anybody could say it with straight face. O_o

Ok, i try to ask little friendlier.
Can anyone try to explain me at least one (yes i want so many of them) example of how does multiplayer have anything to do with day/night system, please?
Bcs i just cant find any ...
I mean, probably there could be problem with turn-based mode ... unless it affects whole map > boom problem solved.
But beyond that?

Adding a day/night system means you have A LOT of variables to account for. You would have to add complex behaviors to otherwise pretty mundanes scenarios. Imagine being in a big town having to sync about 50 npcs in real time to make them behave logically to the current time with multiplayer in mind. This would technically be doable, but the scope creep would be insane and we aren't even sure the underlying engine can handle that much. I would too like for every games to be as deep as Dwarf Fortress, but the cost vastly outweigh the benefit there.

Last edited by snowram; 10/11/22 04:32 PM.