Joined: Oct 2020
Idk much about lore but from what I understant the Dark Elves stay in their underdark holdings and dont come out.
Joined: Jun 2022
In the game we meet Barcus Wroot, who is a Deep Gnome that's been living in Baldur's Gate for years. And if you ask him what he's doing outside of the Underdark, he says; Ignorance is alive and well it seems. Deep Gnomes are not restricted to the Underdark you know. So going by that, neither are the Drows. Minthara for example is on the surface, as are other Drows. Although they are very rare to encounter outside of it, they are not restricted to it. So at best we might get some interesting reactions, but I don't think it would be weird.
Joined: Oct 2020
I thought drows above ground was unheard of so only the ones marked by the absolute could do it.
Just like Aastarion did not instantly get BBQ'd
Joined: Jun 2020
Self-awareness is important ^.^ Sorry, I don't mean to snip, that's intended entirely tongue in cheek, I promise. There have been surface drow out in the world and intermingling with other folks for several generations or more, including entire drow-predominate settlements. The majority of drow culture and society is and remains in the underdark, but there are plenty of drow out and about in the world, just as any other race. Most surface drow have deliberately broken away from traditional drow society, or were not raised in it, but there remains often a strong element of distrust levelled at unfamiliar drow regardless; underdark drow only come tothe surface for dark ends, in most cases, and knowledge of how destructive and terrible underdark drow fully inured in their culture are and can be is prevalent... and thus, since there's no visible way to know on sight whether a drow is an underdark spy or a regular citizen - just the same as any other people in the world - many drow face a certain degree of mistrust when entering new settlements or meeting new people, and it's an important part of the struggle of stepping away from such a controlling culture, and choosing to be better. No, the whole "I'm not an evil nasty drow so I look different and am prettier and don't have the red evil eyes that they all have, so you can identify me as a good person on sight!" is not cannon, and it undermines a large part of the importance of the choice that surface drow make.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2021
Yes, it would be weird: the Drow are - extreme exceptions aside (you know who) - regarded as wicked. It takes time for a Neutral or Good dark elf to earn trust in any given population center.
Joined: Oct 2020
I think in large metropolitan areas it's possible you'll find small exclaves of drow, but I've never considered Baldur's Gate to be such a metropolis. I don't know how much it's grown since Baldur's Gate. From what I understand a number of calamites have actually reduced the size of a lot of cities in FR, so BG might be smaller than it was.
Also I don't think Dark Gnomes and Drow are a good equivalence, considering one's a good race and the other is a hobbled by a demon worshipping theocracy.
If people's reaction to a Drow Tav is anything to go by, we'll be out of place, but our associates will give us a pass.
Joined: Jun 2022
they notice you and maybe some will call for your death... that could even be a sidequest of sorts but no its not unheard of
Luke Skywalker: I don't, I don't believe it. Yoda: That is why you failed.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
It's changed a bit since 2e. A small fragment of the Forgotten Realms Player's Guide. This applies to 4e, but is probably still more or less up to date.
"As long as one obeys the laws, anyone is free to walk the streets of Baldur’s Gate. The city prides itself on being an open place where anyone can become a citizen or start a new life, regardless of race or background. Still, one is unlikely to see many trolls, orcs, ogres, or drow walking the streets. The city’s population is mostly human, with significant numbers of eladrin and elves as well."
Joined: Dec 2019
It's changed a bit since 2e. A small fragment of the Forgotten Realms Player's Guide. This applies to 4e, but is probably still more or less up to date.
"As long as one obeys the laws, anyone is free to walk the streets of Baldur’s Gate. The city prides itself on being an open place where anyone can become a citizen or start a new life, regardless of race or background. Still, one is unlikely to see many trolls, orcs, ogres, or drow walking the streets. The city’s population is mostly human, with significant numbers of eladrin and elves as well." Viconia was getting attacked by the flaming fist on her first encounter and getting burned alive in her second I guess drow are a lot more acceptable 100 years later
Joined: Oct 2020
Ignorance is alive and well it seems. Deep Gnomes are not restricted to the Underdark you know. Wich alone is quite odd sentence, from someone who just acused yourself for being looter ... or slaver ... instead of thanking for help. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Oct 2020
Any Tav, regardless of their race, is Baldurian. Which is probably supposed to assume that the aforementioned trust has already been earned. Story-wise, we are not entering a new city for the first time in our life; we are coming home.
P.S. I've never played a Drow, so don't know that, but a good indicator of city's reaction should be how that Duke's counsellor and Flaming Fist soldiers react to Tav being a Drow during the event at Waukeen's Rest. Whatever they say and do should be pretty much in line with the rest of the city.
Joined: Oct 2020
Any Tav, regardless of their race, is Baldurian. This is not true ... Githyanki, Deep Gnomes and Drow are not Baldurians ... Not sure about Half-Drow. O_o
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Oct 2020
Any Tav, regardless of their race, is Baldurian. This is not true ... Githyanki, Deep Gnomes and Drow are not Baldurians ... Not sure about Half-Drow. O_o They are not? Then Larian better has a separate story line for these races. It will be truly ridiculous if everyone will be greeted the same way, unless it'll be an assassination attempt of course. Oh, and what about the Counsellor's dialogue?
Joined: Oct 2020
They are not? Nope ... I just checked to be sure, Baldurian tag is showed only on characters that dont fit elsewhere.
[quote=RutgerF]Then Larian better has a separate story line for these races. No idea what story are you talking about ... It will be truly ridiculous if everyone will be greeted the same way, unless it'll be an assassination attempt of course. Was there any official confrimation that we will even enter Baldur's Gate? Since im not aware of any. Nor any greetings ofcourse.  Oh, and what about the Counsellor's dialogue? What about it? If you are Baldurian > you get dialogue options to recognize certain names ... If you are not > you dont. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Mar 2020
Was there any official confrimation that we will even enter Baldur's Gate? Since im not aware of any. Isn't Early Access enough? With all NPC story arcs leading to Baldur's Gate? I am also pretty sure there have been mention early on how vertical Baldur's Gate is, so yeah, I am pretty sure it will be a playable area.
Joined: Aug 2021
They are not? Nope ... I just checked to be sure, Baldurian tag is showed only on characters that dont fit elsewhere.
[quote=RutgerF]Then Larian better has a separate story line for these races. No idea what story are you talking about ... It will be truly ridiculous if everyone will be greeted the same way, unless it'll be an assassination attempt of course. Was there any official confrimation that we will even enter Baldur's Gate? Since im not aware of any. Nor any greetings ofcourse.  Oh, and what about the Counsellor's dialogue? What about it? If you are Baldurian > you get dialogue options to recognize certain names ... If you are not > you dont.  shadowheart must deliver the artifact to Baldur's gate so it's an obvious we will.
Joined: Nov 2022
In the big city? Not so much. It will make some people nervous or invoke a bit of prejudice but not nearly as much as in rural areas, where they may even call the militia or gather a mob to deal with you.
Joined: Oct 2020
Isn't Early Access enough? I wouldnt say so ... no. :-/ I mean ... Yeah many NPCs are "heading that way" ... if you read datamining stuff, you allready know that some of them have little to no chance to make it But i have something different in mind. Do you still remember first cinematic trailer? That one where member of Flaming Fist transforms into a Mind Flayer? The one that ends with another Nautiloid on the sky and litteraly dozens of Mind Flayers flying around? That makes me feel like " entering" the city is at best probable ... but certainly not ensured. Dont take me wrong tho, i would certainly love to see city i heard so much about in its full glory ... It would work much better from narative perspective aswell ... if we are supposed to loose the city, it would be much better if we spend some time there, so make some kind of bond to it. At least those of us who will wisit it for the first time. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Oct 2020
shadowheart must deliver the artifact to Baldur's gate so it's an obvious we will. Do we even play the same game?  If Early Acess taught me anything ... Its that everything we get, see, or hear ... is just carrot on a stick and Murphy's laws are applicable (what can go wrong, will go wrong). Yes, Shadowheart is heading towards Baldur's Gate ... intendig to enter it as it seems. BUT! Nobody said she take us with her ... she can easily just dissapear one night and reappear next morning. :P Or we can meet some Sharan cultist sooner than we even reach the city ... Or they can have meeting point outside the city, and she simply didnt tell us bcs there was no reason ... Or there is that theory about her being brainwashed Selunite ... that would also most likely left her no desire to fulfill her mission.  Etc. etc. feel free to create your own reasons if theese dont suit your scenario. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Aug 2021
shadowheart must deliver the artifact to Baldur's gate so it's an obvious we will. Do we even play the same game?  If Early Acess taught me anything ... Its that everything we get, see, or hear ... is just carrot on a stick and Murphy's laws are applicable (what can go wrong, will go wrong). Yes, Shadowheart is heading towards Baldur's Gate ... intendig to enter it as it seems. BUT! Nobody said she take us with her ... she can easily just dissapear one night and reappear next morning. :P Or we can meet some Sharan cultist sooner than we even reach the city ... Or they can have meeting point outside the city, and she simply didnt tell us bcs there was no reason ... Or there is that theory about her being brainwashed Selunite ... that would also most likely left her no desire to fulfill her mission.  Etc. etc. feel free to create your own reasons if theese dont suit your scenario.  I think you are just overthinking. it's not that complicated. 1. there is no evidence of sharran(especially that looking for her specifically) in what's to come in act 1. 2. she clearly said she need to find them in the city. 3. even she found her partial past as selunite, she definitely will still go to the gate looking for answers.
Last edited by ALexws; 12/11/22 07:43 PM.