I can't comprehend as to how people manage to get their characters to walk into lava and such in D:OS2 and BG3. D:OS1 did actually have some pathfinding issues when it came to avoiding dangerous surfaces, but as of D:OS2 everyone knows better than to walk into fire or something worse (lava, Deathfog). My only pathfinding issue both in D:OS2 and in BG3 is the ladder hopscotch. I really hope they actually fix it in time for the release. Since you have an unchain all hotkey now, using Larian's navigation has never been easier, and given the verticality and gridlessness of the environments the regular control scheme might be a bit too awkward.
While of Kingmaker I have a very distinct memory of characters running in circles in place trying to fit into formation, as if they couldn't ever get to the threshold at which the devs set Unity's navigation system (which is what they'd clearly used, as I was fresh out of dealing with it myself when I was playing through Kingmaker, and they even had the default error messages popping out here and there during the early days) to just snap them to a spot. Busy environments with a lot of furniture and rocks aren't handled all that well either, if I remember correctly, and trap triggers were wonky also. Using charge attack was a crapshoot too.