I can't comprehend as to how people manage to get their characters to walk into lava and such in D:OS2 and BG3.
I don't how how it doesn't happen to you - maybe it has been 100% but it was still an issue couple patches ago.
I am pretty sure jump is often to blame in BG3 - sometimes characters won't quite make a jump across, or will walk a bit into the surface and then jump.
I mean some people claim that companions don't get lost anymore while chained, and it still happened to me regularly in patch8 (especially around stealthing all). It's better then it was before but still bothersome.
Originally Posted by Brainer
Since you have an unchain all hotkey now, using Larian's navigation has never been easier, and given the verticality and gridlessness of the environments the regular control scheme might be a bit too awkward.
Yes, unchain all helps a lot, but it only goes as far as making navigating character 1 by 1 easier. It does nothing for group movement or grouping characters into smaller groups (like 2 and 2). I also dislike how chaining all often scrambles portrait order - at the very least I would like to see that fixed.
I don't see what control scheme would have to do with verticality and gridlessness - vertical control (or lack off) is awkwardly done as well, but that's a seperate issue. Mimimi's tactics games (Shadow Tactics - now free on EGS, Desperados3) have plenty of verticality and traditional control scheme and they play very well.
I will be honest - I just don't like the system. Controlling a group, by controlling one leader is just fundamentally counter intuitive to me. It will always act as an artifical barrier between imput I am allowed to make, and the result I want to achieve. Still, while charing the same awkwardness due to simialr control scheme (one leader - plus follwoers, people run into mines in W3 just as happily as companions in BG3 into traps), Wastelands3 grouping control is just far more efficient. My only complaint is that shift+LMB on portraits selects both characters and everyone inbetween rather then just those two I have selected. But still, how is it not straight up better then what BG3 has: