Originally Posted by Brainer
I can't comprehend as to how people manage to get their characters to walk into lava and such in D:OS2 and BG3.

Well, here's how it happened. I had my MC jump across lava to try to reach a rock island. Shadowheart tried to follow and... "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!". She died. It happened just like that. Now don't get me wrong. Stuff like that doesn't happen all the time, but it has happened. Also, let's be kind to Larian. It's EA. So of course stuff like that might happen. That's not the point. The point is, I've never had that kind of pathing issue with Pathfinder.

Get characters to walk into lava. Ha! Like I was trying. It just happens, and more frequently what happens is characters jump or walk into explosive stuff or tangle vines or they simply don't follow you and you leave them behind without knowing it.