Communication has existed. Larian has read the forums and such stuff. Much has been improved. I remember in the begining when you could eat food that would heal but gradually this game has at least become more close to Dungeons Dragons 5. We will get all classes in Players Handbook. We know that Patch 9 is coming out this year so logically in December 2022 would be my estimate for that. I would guess either Paladin or Monk class is released in Patch 9 though it could in theory be both or no new class.

There are also bug reports and technical stuff and such that Larian try to fix bugs.

Larian also confirmed recently they are on track on for year 2023 release which is very good.
It is true that in beginning there were more often major patches and Panel in the Hell, but main thing is that this game will be released excellent done and with this budget and resources and from what I have seen this is an AAA game.

Finally my best advice do some other things as well on your freetime play other games, see movies TV series I for example am very eager also to see sport World Champion football (I wish Belgium good luck in World Championship football and I cheer for all Europe countries in World Championship fooball) that will start very soon. Well or whatever else you want to do on your free time.

I am not constantly playing BG3 Early Access andin fact I have had long time breaks even months of not playing, but would be very interested to try it again if Paladin class is released and that is my favorite class to play in pen and paper Dungeons Dragons 5.

Last edited by Terminator2020; 13/11/22 03:22 PM.