if you have people in the selection that aren't as mobile as others (Mugen in Shadow Tactics, Doc McCoy in Desperados 3), then there's a bit of wonkiness involved in it.
I am still not sure, though how chain system is supposed to work better with verticality - as it is now we either have to have camera centered follow the character or otherwise it won't change verticality together with the character I am controlling - so it's by no means perfect - or at least for me camera is so zoomed in that moving by LMB tedious, so I either tend to hold LMB (which I find tiring) or use free camera, which doesn't work with verticality. I wish BG3 got controller support soon, as I think it will feel better to play that way.
If you think that camera centering is something that would be lost with RTS controls, that would t have to be the case. Wasteland2 clip I showed has a better party grouping selection, and still follows a leader. PoE2 which used Infinity Engine style control had smart camera which was a hybrid of both - allowing for free camera movement but snapping back to the party issued movement.
KotOR is an example, where all the control you have is "follow me" or "stay still", combined with the Aurora jank, leading to characters getting stuck on corners and the like.
Every later BioWare game, really. The difference is that later BioWare games had barely any interactivity on the map, so not being able to control party members wasn't a factor, really.
NWN2 was clunky as hell. BG3 could be worse, but I also think it could be better. I am not sure of preference is a thing. I struggle to see what BG3 has party control wise, what Wasteland3 doesn't.