Joined: Oct 2020
Hello, I hope everyone is doing well. I have a feedback/suggestion about the fact that some quests let you chose between several weapons as a reward and i think it´s weirdly implemented. it would simply be better whether this choice was in a cinematic or if we just dropped the choice. One example After Rescuing the Baldur´s gate Duke in the burning inn, she thank you and offer you a weapon reward in a conversation However, i find it a bit weird that you get to chose the weapon like in a MMO. First it´s bizarre to see an unexpected selection menu at the end of a conversation. The game avoids most of these menus for immersion. and when i see it, this menu breaks immersion. Second, when other characters give you a reward, it´s well integrated in the conversation and cinematic, here it is just thrown outside of cinematic. Does she carry lot of random weapons to offer them just in case? At least if she was a black-smith offering you to build whatever you want that would work, but for adventurers in the middle of nowhere giving you rewards... Third, chosing like that between rewards is something from MMOs to make sure that any player whatever their class get something out of any quest, but here, it´s a single player game, not all quests need to give you the exact best weapon for your class, people can just sell it and buy something they prefer. Happy to have other peoples though on this suggestion Have a nice sunday Lekinf
Last edited by Lekinf; 20/11/22 03:31 PM.
Joined: Nov 2020
Valid points, I tend to agree. I think it's a part of the bigger picture in the game in general that it struggles to convey a sense of immersion and that it can be overtly player-convenient. It might be inconvenient for the player to receive a reward that is not useful to the PC or any of the companions but I don't think that is reason enough to have a variety of rewards to cater to any class. As you said, it feels MMO-like.
Joined: Aug 2020
I think that the idea itself is fine, though the implementation seems really random. You also get a choice somewhere in the underdark, though I can't remember the specific quest even though I just played it yesterday. But neither that quest nor the inn one are all that important. It's strange that they're the quests that give you a choice. You don't get one from the grove druids or auntie Ethel's questline. Overall I do like the idea of picking rewards for certain quests, but I think it could be integreated into the story far better.
Joined: Jan 2021
I really wish it was integrated into the game better. Like having an npc say 'I ought to give you something for helping me out earlier, would you like this dagger or a crate full of potions' or whatever would be more immersive. I really don't like the MMO-style reward pop-ups.
Earlier in the game there was a lot less of those, and rewards weren't all dependent on quests, you could get a lot of them by simply killing the npc, for example. Like The Hellrider gauntlets could be taken off of the tiefling leader if you killed him in the siege, or pickpocketed off of him, or just taken off his unconscious body if he got knocked out in the confrontation with Aradin.
This really hurts evil playthroughs right now IMO, since all of the Absolute leaders (Dror Ragzlin, Gut, Minthara, Nere) drop great loot, but nobody in the grove does, just Kahga and the aforementioned gauntlets. Even Halsin doesn't have anything of note last time I killed him. Same goes elsewhere too. Noteworthy good npcs give quest rewards they don't have anythign of value on their bodies. So Florick will pull rewards out of thin air for you if you rescue her, but if she dies you don't get squat, etc.
Joined: Mar 2020
First it´s bizarre to see an unexpected selection menu at the end of a conversation. The game avoids most of these menus for immersion. and when i see it, this menu breaks immersion. I will be honest my primary dislike comes from it reminding me of game genre I despise. On one hand, design wise it makes sense - getting an item that is useless to you could be annoying (though I never felt it), so an ability to choose from free could be handy. At the same time it’s two items you can’t get, so that’s kinda sad. What you mention is a more objective problem - it just doesn’t fit the rest of the game. It’s a very odd gamey addition, in a game that tends to overproduce everything. It’s especially jarring they added unique UI for it, while common QoL features like party management are missing. The instance you quotes is the only moment I can recall where this system is used, making it even more alien. I think if it had a narrative set up “I have couple cool item, you can pick one if you do this job for me” it could work just fine, though I would prefer in engine implementation - put all items out and remove “owned” status till you pick one of them. You know, use systems you established already.
Last edited by Wormerine; 20/11/22 08:04 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I dont really mind option to pick reward ... And the UI for doing that dont bother me ... But i still dislike this feature for two reasons: 1) NPCs allways mention "a reward" ... I dont think it would be too hard to say instead something like "i have theese, pick one" to acnowledge what is actualy happening. :-/ 2) Those rewards materialize out of thin air ... This really bothers me a lot. I know it requires metagaming, but thats not the point here ... NPC is "offering" me something, so if i kill that NPC i expect it to be there. :-/ This sucks.  Same problem i have with things dissapearing from Vendor inventory, when you kill them.
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 20/11/22 09:33 PM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Dec 2019
I dont really mind option to pick reward ... And the UI for doing that dont bother me ... But i still dislike this feature for two reasons: 1) NPCs allways mention "a reward" ... I dont think it would be too hard to say instead something like "i have theese, pick one" to acnowledge what is actualy happening. :-/ 2) Those rewards materialize out of thin air ... This really bothers me a lot. I know it requires metagaming, but thats not the point here ... NPC is "offering" me something, so if i kill that NPC i expect it to be there. :-/ This sucks.  Same problem i have with things dissapearing from Vendor inventory, when you kill them. you do get a bit more vendor stuff if you KO them instead of killing
Joined: Apr 2022
it´s a single player game, not all quests need to give you the exact best weapon for your class It's actually not a single player game. And partially because of this, we have toilet chain instead of normal selection, static world and some other things. First it´s bizarre to see an unexpected selection menu at the end of a conversation. The game avoids most of these menus for immersion. and when i see it, this menu breaks immersion. I will be honest my primary dislike comes from it reminding me of game genre I despise. I personally find BG3 not only lacking immersion, but being actively anti-immension. Starting with those jumps. Exaggerated, cartoonish, parodic - they remind you that you're playing a game, they don't help with immersion - on the contrary. Why make a game this way? I think it's a defensive mechanism. If the game doesn't take itself seriously, it won't have immersion, yes, but it also shields it from critique. "Why so serious? Just have fun"
Joined: Feb 2020
I really wish it was integrated into the game better. Like having an npc say 'I ought to give you something for helping me out earlier, would you like this dagger or a crate full of potions' or whatever would be more immersive. I really don't like the MMO-style reward pop-ups. I already give my feedback about this but yes... totally agree with this. If they want to give us choices add them in a dialog, eventually with a tooltip that appear when you highlight the item names / descriptions in the dialog... it would be A LOT better than those awfull mmo-style windows and the player would have the same informations...
Last edited by Maximuuus; 21/11/22 09:32 PM.
Joined: Sep 2017
I really like that too. Almost certainly won't happen though. Too many voice actors and localization changes that are long since done with their gig, and I don't see a world where all of them are brought in to record 1-2 lines.
Joined: Mar 2020
Too many voice actors and localization changes that are long since done with their gig, and I don't see a world where all of them are brought in to record 1-2 lines. 
Joined: Aug 2019
Yes, it's a bit jarring, I'd prefer it handled via dialogue. Not to mention, the chick at the burning inn offered me no choice but the awful home-brew items that produce lightning charges. I try forget that these things exist, but they're just thrown in my face, it's depressing.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Apr 2022
Another good solution would be to include the crafting system instead. So instead of the "turnkey" rewards, you just get the crafting material and the corresponding recipes, and you still have the choice whether to take (craft) a bow or a staff, for example.
Joined: Oct 2020
Another good solution would be to include the crafting system instead. So instead of the "turnkey" rewards, you just get the crafting material and the corresponding recipes, and you still have the choice whether to take (craft) a bow or a staff, for example. i agree! Easly fixed by adding the same crafting system bg 2 had. Again they didn't use what was good in BG 2 or maybe even improve upon it, why they keep doing that i have no clue. Sometimes it looks like no one even played BG 2 at Larians or something. Anyway It's really simple, you have items that combine as we do now! Just more of them and it's done off the map. You add a quest where you rescue(or something) a blacksmith that stays in camp and makes new items from those components or improves the existing items. They could even let players reforge weapons into diffrent types for a gold price or via rare item drops that let you reforge items. Example: you get Everburn Blade from Commander Zhalk boss fight but your main character can't use Greatswords? Well, with this feature you can reforge it into something usefull and have more fun playing the game? Right now all, what little crafting we have we can do on the fly and combine those two spear halfs with abit of duct tape or something talk about braking immersion.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2022
I am for once happy a game doesn't shoehorn prominently a crafting system like modern gaming seems to obsess with, I would like for it to stay as anecdotal as possible in BG3. So in that case, please give me directly the reward. I don't want yet more inventory bloat even if it adds a tiny fraction of immersion.
Joined: Oct 2020
rescue(or something) a blacksmith that stays in camp and makes new items from those components or improves the existing items Not sure wich sounds weirder ... Blacksmith that have perfectly suitable forge to create magical items in middle of nowhere ... Or Blacksmith that moves his perfectly suitable forge to create magical items in every mini camp.  Nah, hard pass from me. :-/
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Oct 2020
rescue(or something) a blacksmith that stays in camp and makes new items from those components or improves the existing items Not sure wich sounds weirder ... Blacksmith that have perfectly suitable forge to create magical items in middle of nowhere ... Or Blacksmith that moves his perfectly suitable forge to create magical items in every mini camp.  Nah, hard pass from me. :-/ Type in traveling blacksmith into google should help you with thatl. City folks i guess:) If you want magical blacksmithing you can always do it on some mushrooms  Joking a side not sure what you think you need to do for magical Blacksmithing... It's made up not to mention after you unlock the Adamantine forge it could unlock the whole thing. The blacksmith could always go there and do what's needed it could even be a whole quest - chain of quests whatever. That way it could take multiple rests to get it done giving abit more balance to the whole thing IF resting would work in this game anyway and it wouldn't be available off the bat again adding to more balance. Even if traveling blacksmiths were not a thing and as we can see they are... The fact that all that shit we have in main camp is there, all those tents and what not moves with you with no horses or carts is same thing... and it's still better then doing it on the fly with a menu and duck tap - hot glue gun hehe.
Last edited by Lastman; 23/11/22 10:05 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I see ... well i give you that it would be "possible" ... Even tho concidering that our camp is on sand-y beach in middle of nowhere, i still have my doubts.  And no matter possibilities, i just dont like having any artisans in our camp ... it just dont feels right. :-/ At least to me, camp is just "random place where you decided to sleep during your travels, that looks suspiciously exactly the same as the last one" (  ) ... Adding merchants, artisans and other people would fit a lot more if we would be supplying some fortress we are returning to at regular basis, as it was in Dragon Age Inquisition for example. As for duck tap ... Im no blacksmith myself, nor i had ever any interest in historical fencing ... but i dont think you need any sophisticated tools to put the spear head on the new stamp. O_o And when we were creating our Sussur bar weapon, we needed regular Blacksmith workshop.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Sep 2022
RPG Immersion + Larian does not seem to compute. They love their world to be static, timeless, like a boardgame waiting for things to happen. Its a wonderfully convenient spreadsheet. Larian studios needs a better <ambience> designer. Obsidian on the other hand NAILS IT. I am talking about the little things, tons of it. The sound effects mixed with time of day, mixed with the area, the world natural lore, the Geography, wildlife, some weird sound, weather lighting, etc...and how all this fuses with the gameplay and UI... These pop up rewards is one thing. There are so many. That awful world UI map for example. Its wonderfully convenient but Its takes you out of the world. The inventory is basically just a slotted unlimited spreadsheet; it takes you completely out of the world. The game is 90% convenience and 10% atmosphere. I am not saying it should be like REAL LIFE but more balanced towards an immersive experience.
Last edited by Count Turnipsome; 25/11/22 10:28 AM.
It just reminded me of the bowl of goat's milk that old Winthrop used to put outside his door every evening for the dust demons. He said the dust demons could never resist goat's milk, and that they would always drink themselves into a stupor and then be too tired to enter his room..
Joined: Oct 2020
RPG Immersion + Larian does not seem to compute. They love their world to be static, timeless, like a boardgame waiting for things to happen. Its a wonderfully convenient spreadsheet. Larian studios needs a better <ambience> designer. Obsidian on the other hand NAILS IT. I am talking about the little things, tons of it. The sound effects mixed with time of day, mixed with the area, the world natural lore, the Geography, wildlife, some weird sound, weather lighting, etc...and how all this fuses with the gameplay and UI... These pop up rewards is one thing. There are so many. That awful world UI map for example. Its wonderfully convenient but Its takes you out of the world. The inventory is basically just a slotted unlimited spreadsheet; it takes you completely out of the world. The game is 90% convenience and 10% atmosphere. I am not saying it should be like REAL LIFE but more balanced towards an immersive experience. BG 3 world has great atmosphere! One of it's best qualities but you are right, it's static and that part would need work and alot of it! New features that are beyond this topic like day and night etc. I agree about the UI and map especially the world map is cool but the local small map we get for every location is indeed horrible. Same as pop ups for rewards but at least we don't have to look pop ups all the time, they are rare at least in EA.
Last edited by Lastman; 25/11/22 12:48 PM.