Originally Posted by Panda Warlord

Relying on enemy saves to do things is often deeply frustrating, BG3's encounter design makes that worse.

Originally Posted by Niara
and the best crowd-controllers are Monks.

Guessing a fair amount of people will be incredulous at this, on top of the push back its got but this lines up with my experience in practice. The problem with a lot of theory craft in general is that it's low quality, particularly in 5e it assumes two dudes standing in the middle of a space hitting each other, until some other idealised assumption is convenient. If that's how you build encounters, monks do suffer because they aren't as good as fighters or paladins at being fighters. Start to throw mixed units at a party and monks perform well. What they are good at is getting to an enemy back line and existing there. Just by doing that they can shut down ranged attackers, and they can give casters a problem they can't ignore. And the difference between stunning strike and control spells is that they do it while attacking. A caster wants to do a save or suck, the target saves, wasted turn, the monk is still doing damage. Casters get AoE control, and that's great when enemies are bunched up for reliably getting some control off, but some times it just doesn't work out that well. And a lot of caster control effects are competing for concentration. Throw on legendary resistance and the caster goes for control they are guaranteed to waste turns before they have a chance of landing something, they are better off giving up on busting LR and just dealing damage. With a bit of luck the monk can deplete multiple charges in a single turn while still dealing damage. And Ki points really stop being a problem mid-tier 2, and worse case scenario they are a short rest resource. Going into a big fight fully loaded and they won't run out. Multiple little fights and they won't run out. The only situation where they are limited is a series of fights leading to a boss and no chance at short rest. But really class suffers a resource pinch there. Hit T3 and monks are one of the least resource pressured classes there is.

All that has litlle to do with BG 3 btw because of so many reason. Biggest one it's a video game and they do not have DMs.

Like geting bunched up enemies is really easy and it happens all the time...

Last edited by Lastman; 29/11/22 03:21 PM.