Originally Posted by Some_Twerp753
Originally Posted by Blackheifer
Exactly. basically RAW - Paladins can choose to use their smite ability after they hit an enemy and after they have determined that it is a Crit or not - its not like the old system where you choose to smite for an attack and the smite is lost if you miss.

So how do you implement that in the Divinity Engine? A lot of people have mentioned a system where you get a pop-up that you have to choose to use or not - however there are questions to whether the existing engine will support it or not.
If NOT then what do you do to buff paladins to make up for it. Although hopefully they have a reaction system in place that will allow that to happen, or allow you to set conditions to use smite or something...
Well, I'd assume you make it a toggle that activates if you hit.

Right but what if you want to save your smite for when you Crit, not just hit? Now Technically, Smite isn't specifically part of the reaction system since it doesn't expend your reaction, but its considered part of it anyway since - you know - its a decision that occurs within an existing action.

Monks have a similar thing, and there is also the matter of Counterspell...
