Originally Posted by S2PHANE
So many people (me included, on page 12) tried giving them ideas, we still don't have an official answer or acknowledgement from Larian and probably won't get either until the full release comes. And by then its too late. Don't waste your precious brain function on this topic, sadly its over. We got paladins and the reaction system to worry about now.

I went back to the page 12 and there are really some great stuffs written in there... seems to implement d/n, alot of things would need to be overhauled, so ye now it is too late... damn why we were even trying...

Sadly we did get offically acknowledgement from Larian and it seemed they shut it down pretty quickly from the very much beginning.
But still we were all hoping they would reconsider. Usually on their panels, they say if my memory is not mistaken things like: Some features are being reconsidered.

Which makes us so hopefull, that ours is still the one being reconsidered too xD but they could mean totally some other features lol since ofc they have already given their official statment about D/N cycle status. Case closed...
So there is no more to say about it.

They can now only say: It is our fault for having this kind of hopes because, they were clear about it from the beginning... q_q honestly I even do not like how they describe it in that intreview how it gonna be...
But ye the fact is, they showed us nothing about this , this far...tho They like to point out how they have different version of the game with way more stuffs and Ea is not the real state of the game or something like that...

During Original SIn 2 campaign, they said their next game might have D/N but not OS2... And now they did it again with BG3.

Something what should be their step up about this kind of stuffs... You cannot continue the game and dumb it down in such way. Or you can? Seems you can. You do not care about the older game just its name and money it brings. It is just true.

SO am wondering when you will finally gonna start implementing such basic feature? Somewhere in 2030 year? xD Or you need more time?? Seems like never.
Damn if we all gonna be alive till then...

Ofcorse... Game might perfectly play out without D/N but then I imagine gaming news headlines at release, and Oh god I hope there are no journos around who were reviewing older Bgs and gave that eternal badass approval...and now they get so called "Bg3"to review...

The moment they used BG and slapped 3 on it they shooted themselves in the foot, no matter how hard they try... I have feeling this might turn all negative and become like second Bioware fiasco with Dragon Age but parallel universe now with Larian with Bg3...

Their whole reputation depends on this. I do not want to lose Larian, they have potential and they started good with OS... but sometimes the fall just needs to happen...

Aswell to add more salt to the wound... I will leave this link here xD


I guess we can only hope for some very gifted moders to implement it somehow tru mods xD... So will everyone go now "Bethesda way of "mods will do it?" Oh god this link and dev comment makes me to turn back to my (Jekyll and)Hyde mode...
One of the devs is being genuinely into this but not enough to make it happen by themselves...

Yeah this game has way more problems to deal with than this... on next update, people gonna be blinded with shiny paladin trailer but then when they dive in... I feel paladins and Geoffry guy gonna be short term distraction if Larian failed to deliver with other features fans been begging for...oh god...

Seems aswell they try to attract this DA romance crazed crowds... This video keeps making me mad...they could make videos like this about other more important features but nah...