Originally Posted by Terminator2020
[quote=Lake Plisko]
I bought Solasta really ugly graphics even Neverwinter Online the old MMO is better graphics. Pillars of Etenrity one and also this game Pathfinder 2 is better graphics. They have in Solasta really ugly dollike characters. What is even worse it is impossible to edit character tokens for face because it is automatically generated from that dollike face. Well and speaking of linear story there you go ultra linear. I have head so many time defense that Solasta is low budget? Yes it is low budget you get what you buy. It is like saying cheap hostels are execellent. I am sorry but I prefer hotels to cheap hostels.

That's a bit of a stretch. The locations vary in quality, which seems to depend a lot on the lighting (the lighting in the opening in is totally flat.) And I agree about the character models whenever zoomed into. But in regular play, there's shots where I couldn't have told you whether this was BG3 (a game developed by hundreds) or Solasta (a game made by 17 people). The lighting effects can be pretty nice too. But then according to Vincke, a lot of the extra budget and manpower of BG3 goes straight into cinematics, that is character models and hours of their animations for every single line of dialogue, meh.


It's one of the reasons why their next project should specialize more. No cinematic dialogue (cinematics are the most overrated storytelling device in gaming anyway), just a focus on a decent setting, interesting scenarios and class tactical combat (similar perhaps to Blackguards as a template). You're not going to compete with the likes of BG3 like that either way. If you're trying, you're seen by players as you as BG3, but cheaper. But you can do better than BG3 if you truly specialize on one aspect. The comapany IS called Tactical Adventures, after all.

Solasta is a nice game and one I've gladly picked up DLC for also. It's a miracle that they even managed to include Co-Op and a campaign/dungeon editor, NWN style, despite the small team. The combat is more fun than in WOTR (or Kingmaker) too. Mechanically it's easily the best D&Dish adaption since Temple Of Elemental Evil in that regard (a few encounters are also pretty nice, which is where they should focus on more). Plus, they don't rely on tons of enemies in every location, which is such a relief (and despite the combat focus, you can even talk / charisma check yourself out of a few fights -- and/or make a decision that lets you skip a fight both in dialogue decisions and /or stealth).

Last edited by Sven_; 02/12/22 08:26 PM.