Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
For mehonestly, character creation is part of the fun. A good character creator that makes me want to sit and go through options for a while is a genuine plus for me in a game. Since I play on low difficulties, it's not even about the actual stats for me really. It's about what sort of person I can create from the various bits and pieces of the character creator. It's as much part of the game and part of my enjoyment as anything else.
Exactly this as well. WotR makes it eminently possible for me to create completely suboptimal characters (my PC and also my companions), to not min-max or engage in any painstakingly *perfect* builds, and then to also play the game in a completely suboptimal way, never trying to be perfect or even fantastic in my use of abilities or spells or such (and no gimmicks) in combat encounters, to just play the game in a totally fun way, and still end up winning the encounters and moving my game forward, all because of those amazing options for gameplay and difficulty.

Larian's big claim to fame is that they want to create a game where the player can play it the way the player wants to play it. But it is Owlcat that has actually delivered such a game to me, in the form of WotR, whereas Larian's own game is currently soooooooo far away from being such a game.