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Originally Posted by Flooter
In any case, it seems likely to me that the average player rests more than the average forum member.
Again, in my case, I don't try to actively avoid resting (it also seems odd to me). I do it when it makes sense (low on spell slots/companions complaining).
But I'm still confronted to this issue.

Originally Posted by Flooter
Finally, as has been pointed out, companions will queue up stuff to say even if they’re not sporting an exclamation point.

Doesn't work with the example I have given above.
And I don't like missing stuff that, to me, at least, shouldn't be missable.

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Pretty easy really, I play physical classes primarily. Drow Ranger, Lae'zel, Shadowheart and the 4th is usually Wyll or Astarion. Depends on my mood. I know Wyll is a Warlock, however I go full Eldritch Blast and he also has an Imp. So he is pretty much turned into a cantrip Eldritch boy, therefore I require no rest as I do not depend on spells whatsoever, not even to heal myself up.

Also every single member in my party has at least 19 AC minimum, so I rarely get hit. My Ranger usually gets to 21 and can get up to 23AC if necessary, but I leave her at 21.

And I posted the image of my treasure trove above for this exact question to showcase how it's possible. I loot absolutely everything I come across and stash it. As someone hilariously pointed out which I didn't even notice myself, I apparently carry 72 healing potions on me at all times. And that's just a part of the total number. I have so much more stashed away at camp which I never get to even use. So it's really not hard at all playing without resting grin

Also nice try calling me an insomniac but I got you there, I play as a Drow and they do not sleep! So I am at peak min-maxing performance both gameplay and lore wise grin

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Originally Posted by MelivySilverRoot
Originally Posted by Flooter
In any case, it seems likely to me that the average player rests more than the average forum member.
Again, in my case, I don't try to actively avoid resting (it also seems odd to me). I do it when it makes sense (low on spell slots/companions complaining).
But I'm still confronted to this issue.
That’s fair. Out of curiosity, how often do you usually rest in the early game?

Originally Posted by MelivySilverRoot
Doesn't work with the example I have given above.
And I don't like missing stuff that, to me, at least, shouldn't be missable.
If I understand the example, no amount of resting can fix the issue. You’d have to try every party combination every rest to make sure you’re not locked out of any cutscenes.

I get disliking missed story beats if you’re here for the story; I’m afraid Larian don’t seem to share your pain, on the contrary. I don’t think there’s any way they’ll let players experience the entire story in a single run.

Originally Posted by Crimsonrider
And I posted the image of my treasure trove above for this exact question to showcase how it's possible.
Wait that was for real? I thought you just showed a random large pile of stuff for illustrative purposes. laugh

Last edited by Flooter; 17/12/22 05:52 PM.

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Originally Posted by Flooter
That’s fair. Out of curiosity, how often do you usually rest in the early game?

I'll try to list it here, because I'm not sure 😅 Keep in mind I'm only doing this from memory :
- I recruit SH, Astarion and Gale, then rest to trigger the "Where are you" dream.
- I explore the Dark Crypt, then rest (outside of the crypt!). This triggers Astarion going on a hunt.
- I recruit Laez'el, go to the grove, save Aradin & co, talk to Zevlor, go check the npcs above the gate, the vendor Arron, Rolan & co and Zorru, then rest (to trigger Lae'zel and Astarion cutscene).
- I go check on Sazza, usually I don't intervene and cast Speak with the Dead on her, I go explore the hidden tunnel to save the druid, go talk to Mattis, Volo, Alfira. Depending on whether I need it or not, I rest. This triggers a scene with SH.
- I go save the kid from the harpies then I go to Kagha, then go to Nettie. I go to the bloodless boar. Then rest. This triggers Raphael scene and Astarion bite scene.
- I go to the dying true Soul Edwin. I let Astarion or Gale talk and trigger the tadpole power (make more sense to me RP-wise). Then rest. This triggers the first visual tadpole dream.
- I go to the blighted village to trigger the power one last time (by Astarion or Gale) one way or another. Then I go rest (SH needs to die because I want to trigger Astarion's scene with the nightmare about Cazador).
- I go to "shop for pets' by visiting the Scratch and the owlbear nest. I trigger a first time SH's revelation about being a Sharrian. I go help the gnome at the windmill and go check the scene that triggers SH's weird magical power affecting her. I might rest (I don't need it if I don't take Wyll with me).
- I go explore the southern part of the map and go to Gur then Ethel. I don't confront Ethel yet (not strong enough : level 3 and potentially low on spell slots). I do rest after that.
- I investigate the Shadow Druids situation at the bog. Then rest.
- I finish this quest at the grove. Then rest.
- I go deal with Ethel (since I've reached level 4 at that point and I'm well rested), then rest. At that point, I've already given Gale an artefact and this is usually when the Weave scene triggers.
- I go explore the Blighted village a bit more (going to collect the orb and going in the "cellar"), which can required one or two rests.
- Then I finally approach the Goblin Camp. I deal with the goblins at the gate then rest. This usually triggers Gale's "Loss scene" (doesn't trigger indoor).
- I go across the bridge, have fun at the Goblin party, save the owlbear cub, enter the Shattered Sanctum. Then rest.

I mean, that's already about 15 long rests and I haven't explore the Shattered Sanctum yet.

The owlbear cub also postpones other scenes, like Astarion's "Scar scene" which usually trigger not long after Tiefling party (in my case, at least) and only if I spam Long Rests before the party to trigger all cutscenes related to the cub (there are a few of them).
I usually explore the northern part of the map to trigger this scene and the scene where Gale talk a bit more about him and Mystra (I don't think this one triggers if not at the "main" camp, could be wrong).

This type of itinerary is odd but it's the only way that I can triggers a maximum of scene with all companions (including Wyll when I recruit him) and still make sense of my own head. But this does require doing a lot of meta, and a good portion of this could be avoided with the suggestions made by OP.

It's so easy to miss key scenes that help you connect with companions (all of them). Some people don't know about the "Stargazing scene" with Astarion or the "Weave scene" and "Loss scene" with Gale.

Originally Posted by Flooter
I get disliking missed story beats if you’re here for the story; I’m afraid Larian don’t seem to share your pain, on the contrary. I don’t think there’s any way they’ll let players experience the entire story in a single run.

Yes, this saddens me deeply 😔 I am here for the story. I am here for the companions (mainly Gale, SH and Astarion) and the story.
So yes, to me, this is a key element that's not working...but could.

Last edited by MelivySilverRoot; 17/12/22 06:43 PM. Reason: typos and highlights
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Originally Posted by Flooter
Wait that was for real? I thought you just showed a random large pile of stuff for illustrative purposes. laugh

Of course it was real, I spent like 40 minutes putting all that stuff down grin

I did it as a joke for another thread in which people were discussing the quantity of resources available to the player in the game, but yes it is pretty much real and that's like only 1/3rd of my actual accumulation. There were far too many things in my stash to put everything down and manage to get a good screenshot. I usually end my playthroughs with 50k-75k gold, all the unique items and so many potions I may as well become a travelling merchant. So that is why I have no need for rests, the game is incredibly genereous with resources, especially for someone like me who loves exploring and looting every single thing.

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I am honestly shocked, how? In my last playthrough I managed to be wealthier than I had gotten before but still never reached anywhere close to that level. There was a lot of high level stuff I had to scrale and scrounge to afford. What could I be doing wrong?

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I'm surprised to see people surprised, I thought this was normal lol grin

Basically what I do is this;

  • I always go 14 Charisma for my main character regardless of what class I decide to play (Thief/Ranger/Barbarian) because I love the story and want to be successful in revealing it.
  • Max out attitude with Dammon and Arron in the Grove by giving them enough items for free. About 150-200g is enough to max out attitude with them.
  • To Dammon I sell exclusively all generic weapons and armor that I loot
  • To Arron I sell exclusively misc items (books, junk items, bags, scrolls that Gale already learned and so on)
  • I loot everything that is not bolted down and spread item weight across all 4 of my members due to encumbrance (Lae'zel is usually the one carrying all the weapons and armor, Shadowheart books, I usually carry all the junk) and my 4th whatever remains
  • Once all 4 of us hit the weight limit, I go back to the Grove to sell.
  • Food, alcohol and unique items are immediately sent to stash from the container window
  • Potions I carry on me, but I never get to use them nor want to use them, so I stash most away

So 50k-75k gold and all the stuff I displayed is really just playing the game normally, not even me trying to min-max it. If I wanted to min-max it I could go 100k minimum at least, by going full Charisma with Wyll and then painstakingly giving him all the items so he can sell them, but that is so boring and unintuitive to me.

And you could go infinitely further even;

  • For Shadowheart go Dexterity and give her the unique ring for Sleight Of Hand, so she ends up having about +7/+9 Sleight Of Hand, along with her Guidance which gives +1/+4. She is an Urchin and gets inspired by doing thievery. She did nab the Weapon after all.
  • Money is easier to steal than items. But if the vendor has too much money, you won't be able to steal it. So what you do is manipulate their gold weight.
  • The idea is to keep their gold around 1000-1500. Any higher and it will be hard to steal it back. So if you buy stuff, you should then sell stuff to lower their gold and steal what remains
  • By doing so you gain everything you want and lose nothing in return. And you almost never ever fail the rolls because Shadowheart is a natural at it.

So there are so many ways to earn money and be so filthly rich that by the time you get to Baldur's Gate, you may as well buy the whole city as you'll be richer than the entire continent grin

But as I said I don't min-max really and I don't exploit the game as it's just not fun. So basically I just enjoy the game and love exploring/looting so that 50k-75k is nothing really. I consider it normal and usually end the game with around 72k average.

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Oh wow, that all...sounds kinda tedious. I just sell stuff to whichever merchant is the easiest to get to once I hit the weight limit on one or two characters. I don't mess with the attitude system or anything like that.

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It is a little funny, that if you go gung ho and really prioritize not resting and finding a healer (like you're being hounded to by you entire party) you can completely miss seeing the dream figure you are forced to create at the beginning of every new game.

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Originally Posted by Princeps08
It is a little funny, that if you go gung ho and really prioritize not resting and finding a healer (like you're being hounded to by you entire party) you can completely miss seeing the dream figure you are forced to create at the beginning of every new game.
In all my playthroughs I had the dream encounter only once, and I had to learn how to trigger it. I wish they would come up with something sublet then creating your crush in the creator.

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Originally Posted by MelivySilverRoot
Originally Posted by Flooter
That’s fair. Out of curiosity, how often do you usually rest in the early game?

I'll try to list it here, because I'm not sure 😅 Keep in mind I'm only doing this from memory :
- I recruit SH, Astarion and Gale, then rest to trigger the "Where are you" dream.
- I explore the Dark Crypt, then rest (outside of the crypt!). This triggers Astarion going on a hunt.
- I recruit Laez'el, go to the grove, save Aradin & co, talk to Zevlor, go check the npcs above the gate, the vendor Arron, Rolan & co and Zorru, then rest (to trigger Lae'zel and Astarion cutscene).
- I go check on Sazza, usually I don't intervene and cast Speak with the Dead on her, I go explore the hidden tunnel to save the druid, go talk to Mattis, Volo, Alfira. Depending on whether I need it or not, I rest. This triggers a scene with SH.
- I go save the kid from the harpies then I go to Kagha, then go to Nettie. I go to the bloodless boar. Then rest. This triggers Raphael scene and Astarion bite scene.
- I go to the dying true Soul Edwin. I let Astarion or Gale talk and trigger the tadpole power (make more sense to me RP-wise). Then rest. This triggers the first visual tadpole dream.
- I go to the blighted village to trigger the power one last time (by Astarion or Gale) one way or another. Then I go rest (SH needs to die because I want to trigger Astarion's scene with the nightmare about Cazador).
- I go to "shop for pets' by visiting the Scratch and the owlbear nest. I trigger a first time SH's revelation about being a Sharrian. I go help the gnome at the windmill and go check the scene that triggers SH's weird magical power affecting her. I might rest (I don't need it if I don't take Wyll with me).
- I go explore the southern part of the map and go to Gur then Ethel. I don't confront Ethel yet (not strong enough : level 3 and potentially low on spell slots). I do rest after that.
- I investigate the Shadow Druids situation at the bog. Then rest.
- I finish this quest at the grove. Then rest.
- I go deal with Ethel (since I've reached level 4 at that point and I'm well rested), then rest. At that point, I've already given Gale an artefact and this is usually when the Weave scene triggers.
- I go explore the Blighted village a bit more (going to collect the orb and going in the "cellar"), which can required one or two rests.
- Then I finally approach the Goblin Camp. I deal with the goblins at the gate then rest. This usually triggers Gale's "Loss scene" (doesn't trigger indoor).
- I go across the bridge, have fun at the Goblin party, save the owlbear cub, enter the Shattered Sanctum. Then rest.

I mean, that's already about 15 long rests and I haven't explore the Shattered Sanctum yet.

The owlbear cub also postpones other scenes, like Astarion's "Scar scene" which usually trigger not long after Tiefling party (in my case, at least) and only if I spam Long Rests before the party to trigger all cutscenes related to the cub (there are a few of them).
I usually explore the northern part of the map to trigger this scene and the scene where Gale talk a bit more about him and Mystra (I don't think this one triggers if not at the "main" camp, could be wrong).

This type of itinerary is odd but it's the only way that I can triggers a maximum of scene with all companions (including Wyll when I recruit him) and still make sense of my own head. But this does require doing a lot of meta, and a good portion of this could be avoided with the suggestions made by OP.
Thanks for going through the detail of your itinerary. You’ve mentioned two reasons for your resting schedule: you want to experience the full story and you rest when it feels natural. I take it this itinerary satisfies both requirements for you. Is that correct?

I’m of two mind on the camp cutscenes. On one hand, I’ve felt the urge to cut through the BS in order to see what a game has to offer (eg: “go find seven blue acorns for a sidequest” becomes “go to the wiki to find the quickest way to progress the game”). I could skip the sidequest, but at the cost of feeling like I’m missing out, which sucks.

On the other hand, I’ve tremendous respect for a game like Dwarf Fortress where the sheer size and complexity of the world means players cannot experience (or even understand) it all. Imagine if every run of BG3 was significantly different from the last, if the story felt brand new each time. That would be amazing to me, a powerful illusion that the world is real, inhabited by well-rounded people with their own things going on.

Whether or not it succeeds, I believe that BG3 is striving to accomplish something like this. The current cut-scene system helps in that endeavor: relationships and stories shift slightly early on due to factors the player doesn’t know about; I assume the early differences snowball into massive divergences down the line, seeing how many different ways the first fews days of the story can play out.

In conclusion, though I understand the urge to experience it all, I see value in a story-driven game where the story remixes itself. The key is for players to feel like they’re reading a new book every time, not the same book with some pages torn out.

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Well, let's just agree that our views differ on this 😶 Happens 😅

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By the way the new exclamation mark design sucks ass....

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It's not perfect but I do prefer it over the barely visible yellow exclamation mark.

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Originally Posted by MelivySilverRoot
Well, let's just agree that our views differ on this 😶 Happens 😅
I agree ^^

One last hypothetical question, if you don’t mind. Assuming you’re resting basically the same way each run in order to see all the content you know about, it’s possible that you’re unknowingly missing out on story beats. Hence the question: if, after 1000 hours of game time, you found a new cutscene that required very specific circumstances to trigger, would you feel cheated or rewarded?

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Originally Posted by neprostoman
By the way the new exclamation mark design sucks ass....
Eh, it's not beautiful at the moment, but I see it now, which is something I struggled with the old one.

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Missing on story beats to me is linked to this issue...but I feel like we are started a circular discussion so this will me my last answer within this exchange with you.

If it's something I missed because I didn't rest at the precise good moment (Zorru/Sazza triggers) or because I didn't spam Long rests (owlbear cub situation) : cheated.
If it's a new cutscenes discovered by exploring or talking to NPCs I had previously missed/ignored, and I could properly trigger the cutscene without feeling like I need to spam Long rests : rewarded (happened after recruiting Barcus Wroot the first time for example ^^)

I mean, you won't be able to convince me that the current system is not without its flaws. Wanting to get the most of a game is not an rare want. There are a lot of people who prefer playing this way : completionists and/or just people who want to learn about all the companions and the main story. Because, yes, some main story elements are locked behind this system. That's something I love so much with the Dragon Age serie. There was a lot to do. But I have never felt "cheated" by the game for missing things and every companion stories could be enjoyed on one playthrough without cheesing things so much.

I don't like the cheap ways to add replay-value by punishing those players. The existence of several races/classes/paths/quests and what the players do with them allow for a lot of replay value already.

Last edited by MelivySilverRoot; 18/12/22 03:41 PM.
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@MelivySilverRoot Very clear, thank you.

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For me, there are different levels of badness with respect to the scenes you miss by not spamming rest. I dislike missing scenes that add colour and character information, but that’s not so bad if it’s likely I’ll come across it in another playthrough. It’s worse when the trigger conditions are unlikely to ever be met by any player following a natural path through the game, as I think the stargazing scene still is. But the only unforgivable situations are ones where significant story elements or quests can be missed with no decent rationale.

The only example I’m aware of is interactions with Gale, where if he’s with you in the grove it’s incredibly easy to raise his approval too quickly and so miss his scenes, romance and, most importantly, fail to progress his companion quest. If Larian had fixed this and no other rest-related niggles it would have kept me going until the full release, but as it is I’m grumpy!

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Originally Posted by The_Red_Queen
For me, there are different levels of badness with respect to the scenes you miss by not spamming rest. I dislike missing scenes that add colour and character information, but that’s not so bad if it’s likely I’ll come across it in another playthrough. It’s worse when the trigger conditions are unlikely to ever be met by any player following a natural path through the game, as I think the stargazing scene still is. But the only unforgivable situations are ones where significant story elements or quests can be missed with no decent rationale.

The only example I’m aware of is interactions with Gale, where if he’s with you in the grove it’s incredibly easy to raise his approval too quickly and so miss his scenes, romance and, most importantly, fail to progress his companion quest. If Larian had fixed this and no other rest-related niggles it would have kept me going until the full release, but as it is I’m grumpy!

Well put! I fully agree with those points as well!

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